【Xianyu Shopping】How to ...
On the occasion of the Spring Festival in 2023, Do you want to save more money from Xianyu? Look at here~ Superbuy Spring Festival red envelope subs
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【闲鱼购物】如何正确买闲鱼 ...
上闲鱼买二手商品,先别着急买买买!这些操作你知道吗? 关于二手代购那些事儿~教你如何正确买买买!!! 第一步:挑选商品 进入闲鱼APP,在搜索栏输入商品关键词,查找心仪商品 第二步:了解卖家 1、物品比较杂而且都是实拍图可信度较高。 2、芝麻信用要极好,优秀良好都要谨慎。 3、评价好评占比要
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【闲鱼购物】盲盒手办是如何 ...
为什么盲盒能火这么久? 因为入坑后的盲盒只有一个和无数个呀~ 朋友送了我三个Molly生肖系列的娃娃,自此后就陷入一个大坑一发不可收拾。 曾跟朋友无数次的保证“以后肯定不买了”“这是最后一个”, 但每次都被成功的打脸 虽然年初定了买够100个娃娃就收手的flag,然而.... 不过,最终原因
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【CANNOT-MISS for all user ...
Hey friends!Are there any friends who don't know where to buy used-item? Come to Superbuy!! Come to Superbuy!! Come to Superbuy!! We can help you purc
2060 9 18 -
【Xianyu shopping】BJD dol ...
【What’s a BJD doll? 】BJD doll, also known as ball joint doll, refers to a movable doll connected by a ball joint at the joint. Originated in Europe, d
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【闲鱼购物】BJD娃娃,为什 ...
【BJD娃娃到底是什么呢?】BJD(Ball joint doll)娃娃,又称球关节娃娃,指的是关节处由球形接头连接起来的、可活动的娃娃。起源于欧洲,以精美细节出名的娃娃~不仅模样制作精致,而且还能做出许多接近于真人的姿势! 【BJD娃娃的分类】BJD娃娃通常是按照真人等比例缩小制作而成的,所以分
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[Xianyu Shopping] A jade-l ...
Of all the costumes, cheongsam is the most delicate, and when it comes to the cheongsam, which scene emerges in front of you? Is Maggie Cheung in "In
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【闲鱼购物】美人如玉,旗袍 ...
所有服饰中,最属旗袍衬得女人娇贵,说起旗袍,浮现在你眼前的是哪个场景? 是《花样年华》里张曼玉在昏黄灯光下袅袅婷婷的身姿,美的让人窒息?还是《司藤》里景甜这个人间富贵花的一眼万年,雍容华贵不俗气?
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【闲鱼购物】特色文化服饰之 ...
来来来,看过来~ 你是否了解过Lolita?又或者购买过Lolita吗?小编这篇文章将讲述Lolita的“前世今生”。 在小编看来,Lolita文化爱好者们追求的是一种崭新的衣着态度,寻求的是一种美好生活的愿景,表现出不一样的生活方式态度。 三大主流一:甜美甜美洛丽塔——以粉红、粉蓝、白色等粉色系
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[Xianyu Shopping] Lolita, ...
Have you heard of Lolita? Or have you bought Lolita? This article will introduce Lolita's "Past and Present".In the editor's opinion, Lolita culture l
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【闲鱼购物】为什么选择我们 ...
上一期,小编讲到为什么要购买闲鱼商品,闲鱼商品好在哪里?还没有看过的小伙伴们可以看这里哦~: 为什么要购买二手商品?内附闲鱼操作指南 购买过闲鱼商品的用户都知道的几点: 1、喜欢的商品手慢一点,很有可能就会错失良机!被人抢先订购! 2、因各种因素跟卖家沟通的过程可能会遇到“卖家回复慢,等待时间长”“
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Has any of the following also happened to you when you shop around? Finding the favorite items but leaving them “laying flat” in the cart because of t
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<二手攻略>为什么要购买二手 ...
购物时,你是否跟小编一样有过以下困惑? 想购买心仪商品却因为价格望而止步,只能让它在购物车里躺平 难寻货源,想买却买不到的绝版商品(手办、周边、徽章、服饰….) 怎么办?——闲鱼帮忙解决! 优势一:性价比超高,全新!便宜! 优势二:退坑退圈,找稀缺商品! 娃坑、二次元、古着!搜索关键词都可以在这里
2029 2 13 -
Tips for Xianyu (IdleFish) ...
Tips:Alibaba-owned Taobao is one of the top players in the Chinese e-commerce industry. The C2C giantsells pretty much everything you can imagine – fr
3508 5 19 -
Used Market Upgraded! Scor ...
We know that you guys have wanted to purchase used items for so long,And our editor has been updating posts to this topic in our BBS.After getting a d
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#Tips For Purchasing Used ...
Eversince Superbuy expanded into the area of used-item purchasing, Lots of users have gonecrazy buying their favorites from major Chinese platforms.
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#二手代购攻略# 拍拍和转转 ...
自从superbuy上了二手代购业务 很多盆友们在二手好物的海里淘得不亦乐乎 除了咸鱼这个二手交易市场的“扛把子” 拍拍和转转平台 从今天开始也可通过Superbuy代购啦! 这些平台的入口在哪里?看下方指引流程图▼ 除了闲鱼和转转需要下载APP外,拍拍在PC端通过网页
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Vintage Collection | Back ...
People saythat we as human always prefer new stuff over old ones But still,some of us Really have athing for "old stuff", Becauseof the nostalgia they
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复古小物合集 | 买一件复古 ...
都说喜新厌旧是人类的天性 但有那么一群人 就天生喜欢“旧货” 因为旧物身上有时光流淌的痕迹 NO.1年画娃娃摆件 眉间一点朱砂红,藕节般圆嘟嘟的手脚,憨态可掬; 绿色小肚兜上恰到好处点缀的白花,清爽好看 看到这个摆件,仿佛时光回到小时候过年跟大人去集市 满街年画都是一个穿着红肚兜的胖娃娃
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Top 5 Rated Action Figures ...
After exploring tons of action figures in Yu Tang of Xianyu, I just find out there are some pieces generating the most heated discussion.
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Pro Tips To Snag Gadgets D ...
Wonder why you always fall into pitfalls on Xianyu And end up buying lots of faulty items, While others can easily snag all those nice picks? Bes
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二手数码产品捡漏,咸鱼低价 ...
同样在咸鱼这篇“海”里游 别人就淘到便宜的好东西 只有你在不停的踩坑 伤钱又伤肝 在咸鱼里,除了游戏装备,交易最多的恐怕是数码产品了 看了N多骨灰咸鱼玩家的视频攻略,总结了几大干货送给大家 一、买前注意避雷 碰到以下情况直接跑,避免交易 芝麻分信用低 (不一定
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New Wonderland of Deals
To be honest, our editor just wanted to buy some dresses for the summer, but ended up finding that the sellers are either launching pre-sale promotion
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谁说旧爱不能成为新欢 ...
本来想买几条连衣裙过夏天,奈何心仪的商家不是在做预售,就是补货中,等的实在心痒痒~秉承着“省钱功课要做足”的宗旨,小编再次深挖闲鱼APP,果然发现了一处彩蛋!那就是首页的【值得买】版块▼ 这里聚集了服饰、美妆、生活用品,商品符合8成新以上、普遍3折的标准,看得小编立刻两眼放光! 悄咪咪提醒一句:这个
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Pop Mart- Doll Trendsetter
Trendy toys combine design, fashion, sculpture and other diversified artistic concepts into small dolls. The creation of such toys breaks the stereoty
1733 1 7 -
Your Kitchen Needs Some Ma ...
Your Kitchen Needs Some Magic Frustrated with the mess in the kitchen?Have no cooking ideas without creative gadgets?And also, how to clean all the
2072 2 8 -
我的魔法厨房 厨房里的东西又杂又乱,怎么破?大展厨艺时缺少神器相助,怎么破?餐具清洁起来很心累,怎么破?不用愁!因为小编早已帮你在闲鱼APP搜罗了一堆有意思的小物件,给厨房空间带来便捷的同时又不失趣味,还能以超值价格淘到全新品相,实在是妙啊~ ▲冰箱伸缩收纳篮,将隔层上方有效利用▲
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2020开春元气福利席卷而来, 相信大家已收到Superbuy偷偷塞进的优惠券了吧! 先别急着买买买,这些骚操作你都会了吗? 关于二手平台代购那点事儿,开课啦! (暂时没收到券的胖友们不要慌,跟紧小编脚步起飞~) 新同学集合集合,看过来~ 有了Superbuy,你妈妈再
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Tips for Purchasing Used I ...
Have you heard of transaction of used items, or wondered about the safety of such items at lower prices? Research has shown that a person's happine
3028 5 21 -
闲鱼代购指南了解一下! ...
各位看官是否知道一句“七字真言”:戒烟戒酒戒淘宝?这可真不是空穴来风。如今,万能的淘宝在生活中无孔不入,吃喝玩乐样样足,没有淘不到,只有想不到。 然而,在大家争相华丽变身为千手观音后再回首,似乎也并不是“钱包渐空终不悔”。 相信历史总是惊人地相似:曾经翘首以待的宝贝真正到
7035 8 19 -
Shopping Guide about Kongf ...
Having seen the introduction of the last article about the used books-kongfz, presumably many like-minded friends already have favorite books.
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有电子游戏了还要玩“过时”的桌游吗? 当然,它能在聚会上散发巨大的魔力, 一局游戏下来,哪怕是陌生人也能迅速了解对方~ 而且其自带的精美卡片和微缩模型具有一定收藏价值。 接下来给你们介绍几个值得慢慢品玩的桌游, 它们都能在闲鱼APP淘到哦! 你有在电玩
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二手代购升级啦!放肆捡漏放 ...
关于二手代购的呼声一直没有断过, 小编在专属攻略话题里也保持着投喂。 前面跟着小编了解辣莫多国内二手交易平台, 想“撸羊毛”的心情已经无法被压抑了吧? So now~~~ 我们迎来的是Superbuy二手代购业务焕新升级! 逛到中意的闲置好物, 点几下手机屏幕就能轻松下好代购订单
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Shopping Guide about XIANY ...
XIANYU is an amazing websites where you can buy almost all the second-hand goods. So, let's take a look at how to buy XIANYU products through su
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Board Game Fans Know It Al ...
Dose anybody play the "old fashioned" board games when there are so many video games available? Of course, the board games can be somethin
3915 23 116 -
Tips for Purchasing from X ...
As the most popular platform of used items, Xianyu offers a great variety of good deals. Our editor has explored there lately, And came across s
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Must-Read for Shopping On ...
As the No.1 used-item trading platform inChina, Xianyu is also home to a lot of fashion brands and luxury items, some ofwhich are even rare editions.
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闲鱼淘物攻略篇一: 权威鉴定 ...
闲鱼作为国内最大的二手交易平台,上面也有不少潮品和奢侈品,有些是绝版的单品,无论是收藏还是自穿,性价比很高。 但在这类产品交易过程中,也时常听到周围朋友在咸鱼被骗的经历。如何避免被骗,以合适的价格买到正品?来看攻略~ 技巧一:选择购买被机构/官方鉴定确认的产品 目前咸鱼在潮鞋领域,开放了正品鉴
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Buyer’s Guide to Used Ite ...
When asked about why I seldom buy new staff, I often go like “It’s so expensive”, “I don’s always use it”...the list goes on and on. The real reason:
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Used items shopping tips
When purchasing used items on Xianyu, everyone hopes to find products that are in the best possible condition. However, used items have been used by d
3074 18 34 -
Pitfalls To Avoid When Sho ...
Guys, let's face it: there are so many off-season items now and then~~ Many will end up in platforms of used items like Xianyu The first thing to wa
3060 0 19 -
Snag Luxury Brands at Xian ...
According to insiders, Louis Vuitton will launch some exclusive earring pendant for AirPods, which are expected for sale in mid-July and be priced at
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A Story in the Used Books ...
Book reviewer Austin L. Dean once said in LA Book Review Blog thatKongfz Used Books (http://www.kongfz.com/)was a Chinese website one must visit bes
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闲鱼一个清新不做作的二手薅羊毛神坛, 漏捡不说,还看到最真实的买家秀, 小编最近又淘到不少神仙好物,真的是爱了爱了! 来咯,一起回顾下闲鱼攻略! 教你如何正确买买买~ 第一步:挑选商品 进入闲鱼APP—在搜索栏输入商品关键字 第二步:了解卖家 1.用户详情:如卖
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【xianyu Shopping】Why cho ...
In the last issue, the editor talked about why to buy used items from Xianyu,and what are the benefits of Xianyu?For those who haven’t seen it, you ca
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Luxury Sneakers + Xianyu, ...
Don’t be blinded by first impression: Xianyu is not an app just for used items! You will come across a huge variety of luxury brands there (you have m
2218 5 10 -
第三方二手代购攻略 ...
对于二手交易,你是否还未有所闻、不明觉厉,或是纠结于商品价廉下的安全性? 有研究调查表明,一个人如果能够定期合理地处理生活中占用其空间的“废物”,会使TA的幸福感得以提升。而现如今人们的生活随着网购变得越来越丰富,部分过量的消费和更新换代产物便成为闲置在家的多余物件,于是除去淘宝、京东等新
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二手好物指南,快收下 ...
不知道你们是否跟小编有一样的经历,买新的东西觉得贵,而且使用频次不高,就会一直犹豫?我不会告诉你们是因为穷。。。偷偷告诉你省钱的好办法!买二手啊!便宜而且东西也很新!有时候还可以买到绝版好物!让我好好做梦一下~正题来啦~今天小编就是要来打开二手好物的新世界大门! Q:没有买过二手,都有些什么好东西?
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30秒看完二手代购指南,收藏 ...
★Superbuy支持代购闲鱼、孔夫子旧书网、转转、拍拍等国内第三方二手平台的商品。 ★相对于普通第三方平台代购(如淘宝、天猫、京东等),二手代购订单在订购过程和售后跟进方面更为繁琐。 我们将根据您的VIP等级高低,收取相应的服务费,最高封顶为500元。 订购成
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