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Thewinners of Superbuy Spring Festival Bonus NonstopfsluisugarprinccessMilyeongCongratulations!Threeusers won the ¥100No-Min.-Spend Shipping Coupon,
Comment and win anadditional 30¥Tips:In order to see and buy the mysterious Superbuy Selected products , please upgrade Superbuy to the lastest versio
Upgraded warehouse for an improved service experience >>The new address has been updated for part of those who registered before 2018 April 1. >>PC
双11来了 管不住自己的手了吧? 上一秒疯狂 下一秒癫狂 5折,买! 有赠品,买! 限量,买! 听说这个好用,买! 这个颜色我没有,买! 内心深处有声音在说: 打折=赚钱,买! 不买=亏钱,买! ……
Dear Valued Customers, Due to typhoon Mangkhut, Superbuy's Guangdong Warehouse couldn't operate normally. All warehouse services including receiving
Dear Superbuy users, With the Year of Tiger around the corner, Superbuy Team wishes all of our users greatest happiness and good luck in the New Year!
Dear Superbuy users, To further enhance our services and show appreciation for your support, we have decided to reduce the Stripe payment handling f
Dear Superbuy Users, On July 26, 2024, the industrial park where Superbuy's Guangdong warehouse is located experienced an unexpected power outage due
EU & USA Duty-Free Economy Air Mail & EMS Preferential Line (USA) & US/DE clothing Registered Air Mail Available Now! Dear customers, Now’s time to t
China 【公告】关于2017年春节放假公告亲爱的用户: 临近春节,部分淘宝/天猫/其他第三方电商商家因厂家提前休假等原因、导致部分商品出现缺货、少货等现象,建议各位用户尽量选择确定有货的商家进行商品代购,同时请尽量在1月20日之前提交订单及包裹寄送。由于1月1
Dear users, Greetings! Upon urgent notice from the logistics provider, it will suspend collecting cargo shipped via US Ocean Carriage (Regular Sh
Superbuy's Inbound Processing has now been reinstated to a 24-hour service! Due to recent market changes and the outstanding reputation built over ti
Dear Superbuy Users, As the China National Day holiday approaches, we would like to extend our warmest greetings to you. During the National Day h
China 仓库已经恢复24小时入库服务时效啦!好!消!息! Superbuy仓库已经恢复24小时入库服务时效啦! 由于市场变化和过往积累的优秀口碑,Superbuy近期迎来了大量客户和订单,这一变化暂时超出了我们原有的服务容量。经过不懈的努力,Superbuy仓库入库时效已恢复24小时入库服务时效! 非常感谢这段时间以来广大Superbuy用
China 万万没想到——dotdotbuy什么都赔!前几天,论坛横空出世了一个投诉贴,涕泪横流。……图好像有点小。大概意思就是海关蜀黍将肉类食品比如:比如:比如:比如:……全部……罚没……了……徒留一箱……素……食……素食……简直闻者伤心,听者落泪啊有没有!!这能忍?对肉食者来说简直是天塌一样的灾难!老板一听,怒拍桌子,“赔!”大家纷纷鼓掌:“老板英
Dear Superbuy User, We deeply regret to inform you that due to PayPal's implementation of strict risk control requirements for the purchasing agent a
1, Apple Pay Payment Process on the App 2, Google Pay Payment Process on the App 3, Google Pay Payment Process on the website
Dear users, Due to the COIVD-19 outbreak, we have been seeing logistics delays, price hikes, and even service suspension, which result in some user
亲爱的Superbuy用户: 我们由衷地为近期可能给您带来的任何不便而表示歉意。衷心感谢您一直以来对Superbuy的信任与支持。 由于市场变化和Superbuy过往积累的优秀口碑,最近我们迎来大量客户和订单,这一变化暂时超出了我们原有的服务容量。为此,我们正在全力以赴地优化调整和投入人力资源来
China 【公告】EMS & EUB 线路延误延长通知尊敬的用户: 接深圳邮政通知,受旺季排仓以及目的地海关严查影响,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚以及俄罗斯国家的EMS和EUB线路时效严重延误,预计2017年1月中旬才能有效缓解,具体请参考深圳邮政官方公告(详情请见下方附图)。
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