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Dear Superbuy Users, Effective October 17, 2024 (Beijing time), Superbuy's bank transfer account outside China will be changed from HSBC to DBS Bank.
Dear Users, Greetings! Upon notification from the logistics provider, as per the requirements of UK customs, starting from today, Mainland China
To all Superbuy users: 2022 Chinese Spring Festival Holiday will officiallybegin from Jan. 31 to Feb. 6. To let our employees celebrate
【运费调整】AIR邮政小包&EUB调价通知 尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本上涨,需上调为Superbuy承运的AIR邮政小包&EUB俄罗斯路向物流运费。Superbuy一直以来非常重视用户的体验与利益,为了尽可能地降低对用户的负面影响, 经谨慎
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 我们很高兴地宣布,Superbuy现已新增多种便捷的账户充值方式,包括信用卡、Google Pay和Apple Pay!这些新增支付方式由全球知名的在线支付服务商Onerway提供支持,以其安全性和便捷性而闻名。 新增充值的支付方式详情: 1. 信用卡:支持Visa
【物流价格调整】云途服装专线挂号&云途空运专线(带电)&云途空运专线(普货)调价通知 尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本调整,需调整为Superbuy承运的云途服装专线挂号、云途空运专线(带电)和云途空运专线(普货)物流运费。S
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, the freight of Tax-Free Air Mail (Actual Weight), UK Tax-Free Air Mail (Actual W
欧美免税空运专线和欧美免税空运特惠专线暂停服务通知 尊敬的用户: 接物流商紧急通知,物流商将暂停接收欧美免税空运专线和欧美免税空运特惠专线的货物,平台将于11月6日暂停线路服务。我们正积极与物流商沟通协商,待线路恢复后平台将第一时间恢复线路上线,具体恢复时间请等候平台进一步通知。 11月6日
Notice on Service Suspension of Tax-Free Air Line in EU&US & Tax-Free Air Preferential Line in EU&US Dear users, Greetings! Upon urgent notice fr
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本调整,需调整为Superbuy承运的欧洲免税空运专线-B、欧洲免税空运专线(特货)、免税空运专线(计实重)和英国空运专线物流运费。Superbuy一直以来非常重视用户的体验与利益,经谨慎评估,我们将于11月5日16:00(
Dear users, Greetings! Upon notice from logistics providers, due to flight cancellations as well as enhanced epidemic prevention and control measures
Dear users, Due to the COIVD-19 outbreak, we have been seeing logistics delays, price hikes, and even service suspension, which result in some user
Dear users, Upon notice from the logistics provider, ifyou send any product with built-in battery via HK UPS Cargo (small) or HK UPSCargo (heavy), i
Dear users, Due to ongoinglockdown measures and limited handling capacity, parcels sent to Australia maysee some delivery delays. We suggest that you
Dear users, Greetings! It has been a fruitful year for our serviceteam! With the annual "Superbuy Employee Day" ("Employee Day") coming inS
Great News! To provide more highly cost-competitive logisticssolutions to our global customers, Suerbuy will introduce 5 New Lines inSeptember NL Pos
尊敬的用户: 国庆节和中秋假期(北京时间10月1日-10月8日)期间,Superbuy将正常为您提供客服咨询、在库操作、支付服务! 因物流商国庆期间休假,航空舱位紧张,国际各物流线路发货及寄送
Dear Users, Greetings, following notification from the logistics provider, starting from Sept. 15, Mainland China DHL and Document Route to the Phil
Dear users, During the National Day and Mid Autumn Day Holiday (Oct. 1 -8, Beijing Time), you can still use Superbuy’s services including customer se
尊敬的用户, 接物流商通知,由于国庆前发货量暴增,物流商仓库无力承接较多货物,即日起暂停收货。若您有包裹寄往澳大利亚,我们推荐您选择澳大利亚特快专线或者澳邮Fastway专线,澳大利亚专业物流商承运,服务有保障。Superbuy澳大利亚空邮专线一旦恢复可用,我们将另行通知。 同时物流商也提前通知
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