.Dear Valued Customers,.We are informed by our logistics provider that, to prevent the transmission of African swine fever virus, the Australian inspe
.Dear customer, We recently have received our customers' feedback that the La poste air mail delivery agent was changed from la poste to Colis Prive a
.Dear users, .In order to meet our customers' needs, we have opened DHL Ecommerce(Economy line)to Belgium, Italy and Russia with reasonable speed and
。Dear customers, 。Per couriers of USPS Air Mail (small) line, shipping fee will increase 25% due to price hikes of their shipping partners and the pe
Dear Users, Greetings, we would like to update you on Canada Post's strike: 1. The Canadian government has legislated Canada Post employees back to
。Dear Valued Customers, 。According to logistics provider, there will be delays of 1 to 3 days with all shipping lines due to the New Year holiday. Ple
。Dear customers,。Due to adjustment of logistics operation, from 1 March, parcels using the SF Logistics General Service will temporarily be sent out f
关于物流延误的通知 尊敬的Superbuy用户, 由于强台风“贝碧嘉”(Typhoon Bebinca)及波音职工工会的罢工,部分国际航班受到影响,导致部分物流线路时效延误。对此可能给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,并感谢您的理解与支持。 如您有任何疑问,欢迎随时联系我们的在线客服或发送邮件至:c
Superbuy's Inbound Processing has now been reinstated to a 24-hour service! Due to recent market changes and the outstanding reputation built over ti
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, it will adjust the freight of e-EMS for Superbuy due to adjustment costs. Since
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, it will increase the freight of HK UPS Cargo (Small) and HK UPS Cargo (Heavy) for
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, the freight of SAL for Superbuy will be adjusted due to adjustment costs. Since S
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本调整,需调整为Superbuy承运的SAL物流运费。Superbuy一直以来非常重视用户的体验与利益,经谨慎评估,我们将于【10月9日16:00(北京时间)】对以上1条线路的运费进行调整。如果您
China 寄往欧盟国家包裹收件人需规范通知尊敬的用户: 您好!关于中国邮政针对由中国寄往欧盟国家包裹收件人需规范通知如下,其中荷兰路向,自2021年6月15日起,荷兰邮政对于寄往荷兰的包裹,必须填写收件人电子邮箱地址,如果填写的收件人电子邮箱地址有误,或者当包裹抵达荷兰邮政时,荷兰邮政无法通过该电子邮箱地址联系到收
尊敬的Superbuy用户, 值此中国国庆佳节来临之际,我们谨向您致以节日的问候。 国庆节期间(北京时间10月1日-10月7日),Superbuy将继续为您提供服务,采购、仓库操作、充值/支付及客服服务正常进行!
Dear users, Greetings! The logistics provider has informed us that US Ocean Carriage (Regular Ship) has resumed services. Therefore, Superbuy will g
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本上涨,需调整为Superbuy承运的特货免税空运专线物流运费。Superbuy一直以来非常重视用户的体验与利益,经谨慎评估,我们将于【6月5日16:00(北京时间)】对以上1条线路的运费进行调整
关于Superbuy 12 周年服务全面升级的公告,及对升级期间服务所受影响的承诺-- 来自Superbuy创始人&CEO 亲爱的Superbuy 顾客们: 我是Superbuy的创始人兼首席执行官贡海星。首先,我想由衷感谢大家多年来对Superbuy的信任和支持,这对我们来说意义重大。 几个
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, the freight of HK DHL (HK Warehouse) for Superbuy will be adjusted due to adjust
United States wave to earthWaving to