Dear users, Due to the new COVID-19 variant found in the UK, London and all cities in southeast England will be put under Level-IV lockdowns. Al
Dear users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, as some NL Post branches have been closed due to COVID-19, the handling and delivery of
Dear users, Greetings! As per a new VAT policy implemented by the UK government, starting from Jan. 1, 2021, for all goods sent to Britain from
Dear users, Greetings! Upon notification from the logistics provider, due to the pandemic and a new tax policy, several logistics lines that send
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, it will increase the freight to 12 countries of SF Air Mail (Small) for Superbuy d
尊敬的用户, 接物流通知,近期“易碎品”纳入香港DHL-A线路特别处理运件的范畴,一旦包裹粘贴“易碎品标签”,物流商会按照该包裹属于易碎产品处理,不进行叠放操作,进而征收额外的附加费用约1350RMB/包裹。 为了避免您的包裹产生不必要的费用,针对香港DHL-A(小货)和香港DHL-A(大货)
尊敬的用户, 接物流商通知,美国从11月底开始疫情加剧,加上最近美国出现了恶劣的暴风雪,以及圣诞节来临,操作人手不足等综合原因影响,发往美国的包裹在当地的派送时效会受到一定程度的延误。目前受影响线路有:美国空运专线-A和特惠空运线,请您知悉。近期如果您有急需寄送到美国的包裹,可选择香港DHL
Dear users, Greetings! Since upgrades of PayPal now complete, we have added [PayPal] to the payment methods on our App(version: 5.40.0). You can
Dear users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, due to the worsening pandemic in the US starting at the end of November as well as the
Dear users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, Hong Kong DHL has added parcels containing fragile items to the category of shipmen
Dear users, Due to Brexit and EU Customs’ cracking down on undervaluation, for any parcel sent to Europe via Mainland China DHL & DHL Document Route,
China 关于大陆DHL、文件专线寄送欧洲如实申报要求通知尊敬的用户, 受英国脱欧以及欧洲严查低申报的海关政策影响,若通过大陆DHL、文件专线、寄往欧洲的包裹,海关将会以包裹的CIF价格【商品实际价值+运费(客户在我司平台所付的运费)】作为征税的依据。为使您的包裹顺利寄送并通关,请您务必如实申报商品价值、运费。 涉及国家见文中表格:
Dear users, Due to Brexit and EU Customs’ cracking down on undervaluation, if the actual value of any parcel sent to Europe via Hong Kong DHL-A (Small
尊敬的用户, 受英国脱欧及欧洲严查低申报的海关政策影响,若通过香港DHL-A(小货)、香港DHL-A(大货)寄往欧洲的包裹实际价值<51USD,需要提供交易证明(发票、购买截图)。缺失该证明,物流商将无法寄送包裹。为使您的包裹顺利寄送并通关,请您务必如实申报,并主动提供包裹交易凭证。 涉及国
Dear users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, the weight limit for parcel sent via USA Air Mail-A will be changed from “below 30KG” to
尊敬的客户: 您好! 根据日本邮政通知,即日起所有寄往该国内含植物的邮件均需经过其农林水产省检验,并对植物类邮件的进口条件、检验证书、进口邮件种类等提出了具体要求。 详情请见该国邮政指定网页(www.pps.go.jp/eximlist/Pages/exp/condit
尊敬的用户: 您好! 关于澳大利亚邮政、巴西邮政有关种子类物品寄送通知如下: 一、澳大利亚邮政通知,近期发现进口该国的小包邮件中存在种子类
尊敬的用户: 您好! 近日,我司收到万国邮联通函提示,对寄往基里巴斯等国家的邮件新增以下要求: 据基里巴斯邮政通知,自2020年9月30日起该国将使用新的邮政编码系统,如有用户拟向该国邮寄邮件,建议先咨询当地邮政确认邮寄信息后再寄出。 请用户停止寄出相关违禁的物品,务必据实申报所寄邮件的内件物品
Dear users, Greetings! The notices on Must-Knows Before Sending Seeds via Australia Post and Brazil Post are as follows: 1. Australia Post claim