Dear Superbuy Users: Packages via SAL are transported with maritime resources but due to the extreme shortage o
Dear Superbuy users,Upon notification from the logistics provider, it will increase the freight of EMS Preferential Line (formerly EMS-A) for Superbuy
Dear valued customer, Upon notification from logistics company, Hong Kong UPS has been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, resulting in flights deducti
Dear users, As Superbuy’s DHL express delivery route system is being upgraded, packages submitted by users through the DHL Express route will tempora
1、Introduction & Analysis of the Policy about EU New Tax Reform (1)Background of the EU Tax Reform: The compliance management of e-commerce VAT has
Dear Users,After hard work, the 4 logistics routes of Superbuy that can pre-pay VAT have been upgraded and are available now. Superbuy has opened the
Dear users, Due to a half-day power failure in some areas of Guangdong Warehouse on August 27 , the inbound/outbound parcel processing will be affect
Dear Superbuy Users, The delivery service of DHL Express ( Mainland DHL) has been opened at present because of the complishment of the syst
Dear Valued Customers, According to our logistics provider, the break off of diplomatic ties between Qatar and
Dear users, The following is the notice of China Post on standardizing the addressee-related information on the parcels sent from China to EU countrie
China 关于欧盟税务预收税费方案尊敬的用户: 您好,欧盟从7月1日已开始实施税收新政策,针对该税收政策,superbuy平台将于近期上线预收VAT方案,解决广大用户缴纳税金问题,敬请期待,上线后superbuy将第一时间发布公告。 涉及线路:欧洲空运快线(带电)、挂号空运专线(带电)、挂号空运专线(普货)、美妆空运专线. S
China 关于对敏感商品图片进行打码处理的通知尊敬的用户由于阿里云系统进行升级,对上传到阿里云的敏感照片进行加强管控限制,导致我司无法将敏感商品图片直接原图上传至系统订单内,后续我司将会按照阿里云相关限制要求对敏感商品图片进行打马赛可处理进行上传;由此给您带来的不便敬请谅解,您还有其他疑问,也可联系在线客服:http://es.echatsof
Dear users, Due to the system upgrade, the logistics routes to the Netherlands on the China Post have been suspended. Now the system upgrade has been
Dear users, Due to the unexpected power failure happened at Huanan Warehouse on July 11, 2021, the inbound/outbound parcel processing will be affecte
Dear users, Greetings! To provide you with a better shipping experience, we now introduce 6 new logistics lines: Europe Air Express (Batteries), USA
Dear EU customers, Many of you are concerned about the new tax policy to be implemented by Europe Customs on July 1. Upon our verification with many
尊敬的用户: 7月1日为建党100周年纪念日,中国邮政安检升级,为确保您的邮件寄递安全,请广大用户谨慎邮寄液体、粉末、工具等敏感类产品,关于邮政要求禁止寄送商品,请勿寄送,避免产生扣包、退包风险,详情可参照如下邮政官网要求禁止寄送物品清单:https://www.ems
Dear users, As per the logistics provider, delivery service of SAL will be affected due to system upgrade. Therefore, Superbuy will suspend deli
Dear users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, due to system upgrades, the following lines will suspend delivery service for parcels sen
尊敬的用户, 为满足您的需要,即日起我司将对原大货线路拆分成不同重量段线路,其中: 1. 香港DHL-A(大货)拆分成4条不同重量段线路; 2. 香港UPS大货拆分成2条不同重量段线路; 3. 大货空运专线拆分成2条不同重量段线路; 具体的物流服务不会改变,但价格将更具优势,具体分段明细如下: