Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, it will adjust the freight of EMS Standard Express for Superbuy due to rising
Dear Superbuy Users, On July 26, 2024, the industrial park where Superbuy's Guangdong warehouse is located experienced an unexpected power outage due
China 7月28日华南仓恢复作业通知尊敬的Superbuy用户, 2024年7月26日,Superbuy华南仓库所在园区因电路故障停电停工,期间无法仓内作业,仓库服务时效将出现短时间延迟。 我们很高兴地告知您,经过紧急抢修,园区的电力系统已于2024年7月28日全面恢复供电。Superbuy仓库团队在得知电力恢复的第一时间,便迅速启
Dear Superbuy Users, On July 26, 2024, the industrial park where Superbuy's Guangdong warehouse is located experienced an unexpected power outage due
China 7月26日华南仓突发紧急停电通知尊敬的Superbuy用户, 2024年7月26日,Superbuy华南仓库所在园区因电路故障停电停工,期间无法仓内作业,仓库服务时效将出现短时间延迟。目前园区的物业工作人员正在抢修电力系统,园区方面也暂未能提供电力系统恢复时间;我们会持续关注进
Dear User, Due to an urgent notice from the logistics provider, affected by air freight capacity issues, the logistics provider will suspend receivin
Dear customers, To provide you with more shipping options and an upgraded user experience, 2 new lines - Europe Air Dispatch and Europe Air Dispatch
尊敬的客户: 为满足广大用户的寄送需求,平台将于1月15日上线2条新线路—特货空运专线 & 特货海运专线,线路价格优惠,时效快且稳定,具体线路信息如下所示,欢迎广大用户前来体验。 一、特货空运专线 线路特点:空运包税专线,时效稳定,清关能力强. 可寄送商品:普货、内置电池
Dear Valued customer, From March 1, 2018 onwards, all non-EU countries import e-commerce packages, the Swedish Customs decided to imple
Dear users: Greetings! Upon notice from China Post, due to the increasing severity of the pandemic, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia hav
we now introduce a new line Covering Middle East & North Africa! To provide more highly cost-competitive logisticssolutions to our global customers.
Dear users: As an increasing number of logistics lines are available on Superbuy and to help you get a clearer picture of each line's features, the
Dear users, Greetings! As a new tax policy will be implemented by the UK government starting Jan. 1, 2021, upon request of the logistics provide
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, the freight of Canada Ocean Cargo & Special Line (Ocean Cargo) for Superbuy will
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本调整,需调整为Superbuy承运的加拿大海运专线&特货海运专线物流运费。Superbuy一直以来非常重视用户的体验与利益,经谨慎评估,我们将于【7月16日16:00(北京时间)】对以上2条线路
China 618福利 | PayPal手续费下降啦!尊敬的Superbuy用户: 为了回馈每一个Superbuyer的热情支持,Superbuy团队经过一番努力,终于为大家争取到了新一波的618年中大促福利!!! 618年中大促超级福利来袭:自即日起,PayPal支付手续费将从“实际应付金额 * 3.5% + US $0.3”下调至“实际应付金额
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 您好! 接物流商紧急通知,美森海运小包线路受运力影响时效无法保证,物流商将暂停接收美森海运小包的货物,平台于7月2日暂停线路服务。我们正积极与物流商沟通协商,待线路恢复后平台将第一时间恢复线路上线,具体恢复时间请等候平台进一步通知。 7月2日前成功寄送的包裹将不受影响
尊敬的Superbuy用户: 接物流商通知,因运费成本调整,需调整为Superbuy承运的UPS(HK)-5500物流运费。Superbuy一直以来非常重视用户的体验与利益,经谨慎评估,我们将于【7月9日16:00(北京时间)】对以上1条线路的运费
Dear users, Greetings! Upon urgent notice from the logistics provider, it will suspend collecting cargo shipped via Matson Ocean Packet as the deli