Attention, Shoppers! This year’s 11.11Shopping Festival kicks off on Oct. 21! Check the Ultimate Taobao & TmallShopping Event Guide and Mark Your Calendar!
▲Roundup ofTaobao & Tmall 11.11 Shopping Events
Want to snag the best deals? Learn these SuperbuyShopping Tips first!
Tip 1: Snap-up of Limited Deals/FlashSales The shopping agents will try their best to snap up the11.11 Limited Deals/Flash Sales for you, but without any guarantee. Therefore,in order to increase the success rate of snapping up these deals, we recommendthat you submit order 1-2 days in advance, so that the shopping agents can getyour order highlighted ahead of time for easier and faster purchase.
Tip 2:Purchase of Pre-sale Items (i.e. pay in installment) For orders of 11. 11 Pre-sale Items (i.e. pay ininstallment), we suggest that you pay in full in advance, so that our shoppingagents will get your orders highlighted ahead of time and snap up the items; Ifthe final price listed on the store is lower than the actual amount you paid,the shopping agents will refund the difference to your Superbuy account.
Note: According to rules for 11.11 Tmall and TaobaoShopping Event, orders of pre-sale items cannot be cancelled and the depositcannot be refunded. In addition, Return Guarantee and modification of color,size, etc. will not be supported! Please check carefully before placing orders.
Tip 3: Toensure successful purchase and avoid order failure due to stock shortage,payment delay and pending confirmation, etc., we kindly remind you of thefollowing during purchasing:
1.Leave remarks as clear as possible under your order Inorder to avoid delayed purchase due to stock shortage or pending confirmation,we suggest that you get a better understanding of related risks in advance andtell the shopping agent in the“Remarks”section under your order withalternative purchasing plans.
2.Purchase“Speedy Response” service Timeis money! Be quick! This is all that matters!!!
Ifyou forget to purchase the service when you place an order, once the order issubmitted successfully, you can go to "list of shopping agent orders” andclick “value-added service” on the corresponding order to purchase the serviceif the shopping agent has not purchased your desired item yet.
3.Choose“Order First and Pay Later”
Onthe day of the Event, it is highly likely that prices will change from time totime. In order to avoid delayed or failed purchase due to delayed payment, wesuggest that you choose “Order First andPay Later” when purchasing “SpeedyResponse” service. Shopping agents will purchase your desired items if thedifference is less than CNY 100, and you can make up the payment within 24hours.