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Back to school #SuperCool
发表于 2017-9-16 00:58:38 | 最新回复 2017-10-24 02:27:06 | 来自于 Clarke County 楼主
Another simple outfit from september

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发表于 2017-9-16 01:27:44 来自手机 沙发
? you look good
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发表于 2017-9-16 02:25:16 来自手机 板凳
Wow really good ? Is something from the outfit from taobao?
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发表于 2017-9-17 16:55:49 来自手机 地板
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发表于 2017-9-17 22:27:48 5#
dawvvd replied at 2017-9-16 02:25 Wow really good ? Is something from the outfit from taobao?
Pants and crop top
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发表于 2017-9-17 23:15:27 来自手机 6#
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发表于 2017-9-18 03:17:47 来自手机 7#
pretty sure you got this from internet
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发表于 2017-9-18 05:06:18 8#
马建安 replied at 2017-9-18 03:17 pretty sure you got this from internet
Why are you so sure? This is me. I'm not too worried about a stranger not believing me. Is it that unlikely that a non-asian girl uses taobao? lmao
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发表于 2017-9-18 15:41:02 9#
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发表于 2017-9-19 10:03:44 10#
小雪莉 发表于 2017-9-18 05:06 Why are you so sure? This is me. I'm not too worried about a stranger not believing me. Is it that  ...
Ofc you are dude ) how you can be a male and the female at the same time ? https://bbs.superbuy.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=135958 I saw the shadow of those legs i think it belongs to some dude
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-19 15:54:11 11#
马建安 replied at 2017-9-19 10:03 Ofc you are dude ) how you can be a male and the female at the same time ? https://bbs.superbuy ...
Dude. You must be so bored to be checking my other thread to prove I am a male. 1. You suspect a picture of me is taken from the internet, but you do not suspect that picture to be taken from the internet? It was something I had saved because I thought it was funny. 2. Superbuy has my name, and can confirm it is female. 3. If you're wondering about my chinese in my posts, I learned chinese 3 years ago and I have notebooks to prove it. Stay mad, tho. I just take it as a compliment that you don't think this is me.
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发表于 2017-9-20 19:15:47 12#
that outfittt so lit!
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发表于 2017-9-21 00:58:32 13#
Thank you!
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发表于 2017-10-24 02:27:06 来自手机 14#
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