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一月商城过大年中奖名单公布,99名获奖用户,快来看看有没有你 签到日常 0 1746 点点淘 2016-2-2 12:07
【新春福利活动】过大年 dotdotbuy带你飞 签到日常 10 2173 遠處--等幸福 2016-1-7 01:11
12月双旦节 四重巨惠袭来 省钱计划表立起来~ 签到日常 10 1580 dayayayaya 2015-12-7 10:57
dotdotbuy带你玩转纽约、芝加哥! 签到日常 4 1421 gdsellerhere 2015-10-19 18:40
【dotdotbuy商城】九月九,重阳节,登高日,精彩世界看不停,鱼眼镜头免费送~ 签到日常 12 2476 dayayayaya 2015-11-4 10:24
关于马邮小包寄送加拿大、澳大利亚、美国路线暂停公告 网站公告 1 1093 袁《 绍 》 2018-5-10 16:12
Welcome to dotdotbuy 招商入驻 签到日常 17 4297 天天牙齿晒太阳 2015-12-9 09:42
【活动-已结束】晒商城订单,赢免单大奖! ... 1 2 3 网站公告 42 7359 Jocelyn買嘢D手唔夠斬 2018-5-10 16:12
【商城推荐】清凉夏日!快去沙滩玩耍吧! 签到日常 0 1898 点点淘 2015-7-2 15:56
我们的印象 签到日常 19 1804 sunnykunkun 2015-6-11 03:21
话说转运功能优化了 ... 1 2 3 签到日常 43 4913 JJkuo 2015-6-4 13:25
【儿童节派对】儿童节大联欢,我们都是大孩纸! ... 1 2 签到日常 29 3715 偷心滴貓失竊滴鼠 2015-6-3 06:36
自助购业务并入转运啦 ... 1 2 3 签到日常 55 4916 buthead 2015-5-26 06:02

本页有 7 篇帖子因隐私问题而隐藏

  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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