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发表于 2023-7-7 02:01:55 | 最新回复 2023-7-9 09:37:29 | 来自于 France 楼主
My package arrived yesterday! I was a bit scared for the content when I collected the package from the mailbox because of how it looked. Thankfully, despite the impacts it seems to have suffered during transit the merch inside didn't get damaged (except the bookmark thingy that got bent but this is easily fixable). It was the first time I used this shipping line, the usual line I choose to send my packages wasn't available because of the quicksand acrylic, but as it was cheaper than EMS (plus the fees I would probably have had to pay when it reached the country) I decided to take the risk (perhaps with EMS it would have arrived damaged too but I'll never know). I'll have to use this line again because like the idiot I am I bought some quicksand again so I hope next time it won't suffer any damages. https://img1.superbuy.com/images/package/2023/07/07/1928493b2f24f4af44929a23de0b3acf50b4dbf.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,w_950 https://img1.superbuy.com/images/package/2023/07/07/1928493915528908aa4003b29f76b8b026bf328.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,w_950

发货时间: 2023-06-19 11:43

配送方式: EUB

收货时间: 2023-07-06 23:55

确认收货周期: 17 天


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发表于 2023-7-7 09:54:19 沙发
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Maybe you can use the 【Corner Protector】Value-Added Service or Product-level Packking Reinforcement Services next time,
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发表于 2023-7-9 09:37:29 板凳
小小编 replied at 2023-7-7 09:54 Hi, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Maybe you can use the 【Corner Protector】Value-Added Servic ...
I did use "Corner Protector" but I didn't know about Product-level Packking Reinforcement, I still have a lot to learn, thanks for letting me know about this!
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