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[Xianyu Shopping Guide] - Key Axis
发表于 2023-5-19 11:39:28 | 最新回复 2023-5-30 12:46:17 | 来自于 China 楼主
We can’t work, write papers, or play games without a keyboard. Since the keyboard has become one of the indispensable tools in our daily work and life, why not consider choosing a keyboard that suits you and adds a bit of fun to your life? A user-friendly keyboard can improve typing speed and efficiency, and a good-looking keyboard is pleasing to the eye. Choosing a keyboard is a subject that needs to be considered in terms of its tactile feel, appearance, key layout, noise, etc. Today, let's talk about the key axis.
The so-called "key axis" refers to the switch that closes each control button in a mechanical keyboard. According to the classification of micro switches, mechanical keyboards can be divided into traditional green axis, tea axis, black axis, red axis, white axis (which is rarely seen nowadays), as well as Romer G and optical axis. The more common ones are the green axis, tea axis, black axis, and red axis. So what are the differences between these common key axes?
The green axis is a typical paragraph axis with low pressure, a strong mechanical feel, and a good tactile feel. It is suitable for mechanical keyboards to get started, but with a loud tapping sound, it is not recommended to use in public places. It is more suitable for office and gaming users who do not need a mute. The pressure on the tea axis is slightly higher than the red axis and smaller than the green axis. Its noise is not as loud as the green axis, making it more suitable for work and games. For people who spend a lot of time typing or coding, the tea axis is a good choice! The black axis is the axis with the highest number of grams of pressure, without any sense of paragraph. In intense pressure guns or shooting games, the straight-up and straight-down linear axis can give you the greatest feedback, making it perfect for gaming enthusiasts! The red axis has the smallest number of grams of pressure, no sense of paragraph, the softest touch, and almost no button sound, making it very suitable for office workers who need to write for a long time or code quickly.
Sometimes you can’t find exactly what axis you like on Taobao and Tmall, then you can take Xianyu as a second choice. Here are several good-looking key axis I found on Xianyu and I would like to share them with you guys.
Please leave a comment if you have some good key axis to share with others

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-5-30 12:46:17 来自手机 沙发
Flame purple 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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使用道具 举报

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