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包裹PN21621027216晒单 编辑采用
发表于 2022-12-2 15:41:44 | 最新回复 2022-12-5 11:26:41 | 来自于 United States 楼主
Because of its huge size, I paid a lot more for shipping than the actual frame (canvas). Protect the frame at all cost! And do I complain? Absolutely not! It is the photo frame that one could only order from the exhibition arranged by Endless Summer in 2020 (Endless Summer took the photo, that's why the picture is super HD sharp compared to if you were to grab a pic from random nowhere and make yourself one). Picture here doesn't quite capture the clarity, and I was lucky to find one that was very well kept and in excellent condition. Why would I care for a pic of two people taken from the back? Are you serious for asking?! (oh wait, I'm the one instigating. Rhetorically, of course). It's behind the scenes, if you've seen the behind the scenes and I don't mean the officially released ones. Uh... Back go the topic, item arrived in excellent condition. And I thank Superbuy warehouse team packer for packing it so well and carefully! Thank you ❤️ https://img1.superbuy.com/images/package/2022/12/02/1896017278920714aa6ee87c6d86416e12e37b1.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,w_950

发货时间: 2021-12-25 14:43

配送方式: 香港UPS特惠

收货时间: 2022-01-06 00:44

确认收货周期: 11 天


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