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【xianyu Shopping】Why choose us?
Post time 2022-9-8 18:36:49 | Last replied 2024-1-13 16:30:23 | From China 楼主
In the last issue, the editor talked about why to buy used items from Xianyu,and what are the benefits of Xianyu?For those who haven’t seen it, you can watch it here~ <Shopping Tips for Used Items> Why & How to buy used items from Xianyu? A few things that users who have purchased Xianyu products know: 1、Rule #1 for online shopping: Faster Fingers Always Win! 2、Top headaches: slow response from sellers, waiting too long, not being good at haggling prices... 3、What’s worse: The item you bought from Xianyu is not what it claims to be,but you cannot return it because you didn’t spot the difference before it shipped out! No More Worries! First:Purchasing& Customer Service Our professional shopping agent and inquiry service are here to help! Need price haggling? Just tell us in the remarks! We’ll try to snag your desired item at the bottom price! Plus, our Customer service during the entire process of purchasing Second: Quality Inspection(photos included) Basic Quality Inspection+3 Photos! Plus, we also offer 3 detailed photos for free, whatever you purchase! Third: Storage& Basic Packaging Enjoy 90-day Free Storage+Basic packaging before stock-out! Hope you have a happy shopping mement~ Look here! If you like the badge of ACGN. Don’t miss it~ 【Click on 企业微信截图_16626264644045.png 【Click on】 企业微信截图_16626264743957.png Contact us:

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