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发表于 2022-1-27 11:52:28 41#
  #My SpringFestival Story# Thank you, Superbuy, for your services and the ongoing giveaways you have for the community. It's a very nice gesture, and I wish the superbuy crew a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year, as well as everyone else who celebrates the occasion. I do not celebrate Chinese New Year, but I have lived in communities that do, and the rich culture and fireworks during the new year are always enjoyable.
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发表于 2022-1-27 12:01:29 42#
#My Spring Festival Story# thank you for amazing services all year superbuy! CNY fireworks, dancing dragons, tanggu drums, prowling tigers, amazing food! I can't wait  ;)
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发表于 2022-1-27 14:14:01 来自手机 43#
#My Spring Festival Story# spending time with my family, watching the spring festival broadcast, keeping in touch with relatives! and of course purchasing nice gifts online
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发表于 2022-1-27 14:27:42 44#
#My Spring Festival Story# Thank you SuperBuy for your constant support and kind support!! I wish all your employees a happy new year and many thanks for your awesome work! Cheers! I'm glad I chose SuperBuy!!
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发表于 2022-1-27 14:58:43 45#
#My Spring Festival Story# Superbuy always help me to purchase rare item from china on easy way. Thankyou very much Superbuy. I hope this bellsing years will be great for we all.
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发表于 2022-1-27 15:59:30 46#
#My SpringFestival Story# Sure, I'll join in this event. Thanks and have a wonderful Spring Festival event!
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发表于 2022-1-27 17:15:44 47#
#My SpringFestival Story# time to grind the long hours at work so i can keep sending parcels from you guys!
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发表于 2022-1-27 17:29:10 来自手机 48#
#My SpringFestival Story# i love CNY and i wish everyone saftey and happiness from their products
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发表于 2022-1-27 17:32:16 49#
  #My SpringFestival Story# Thank you Superbuy for such an amazing prize draw, wish everyone a wonderful holiday, peace, health, patience and progression! Have a wonderful year ahead!
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发表于 2022-1-27 17:49:39 50#
#My SpringFestival Story# Thank you superbuy!
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发表于 2022-1-27 18:12:36 51#
#My SpringFestival Story# buying more things through superbuy, having a party with family and friends, eat good, drink well and never forget those times
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发表于 2022-1-27 19:16:29 52#
#My Spring Festival Story   Happy new tiger year guys and thanks for your time, thanks for your work, thanks for make our life simple. Hope new year will bring us to next more beatiful step.
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发表于 2022-1-27 19:19:23 53#
#MySpring #My Spring Festival Story# new starts, the smell of dewy grass, brightening mornings
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发表于 2022-1-27 19:32:26 来自手机 54#
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发表于 2022-1-27 20:18:04 55#
#My Spring Festival Story# Thank you Superbuy! Happy Spring Festival to everybody!
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发表于 2022-1-27 21:03:50 56#
#My SpringFestival Story# Thank you Superbuy for such an amazing prize draw, wish everyone a wonderful holiday, peace, health, patience and progression! Have a wonderful year ahead!
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发表于 2022-1-27 21:32:38 57#
#My Spring Festival Story# Thank you Superbuy! Wishing everyone a Prosperous Lunar New Year! I hope every one stays safe and healthy during this Holiday!
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发表于 2022-1-27 21:38:23 58#
#My Spring Festival Story#In India Spring festival is called "BASANT PANCHMI". Here basant means spring and panchmi means 5th day of new moon . On this day we usually fly colorful kites and sweet yellow colored rice is cooked and whole family and friends sits togeather to enjoy it along with other special cusines. Wishing Happy new year to all in superbuy.
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发表于 2022-1-27 22:57:29 59#
#My Spring Festival Story# Eating well, enjoying the moment with family. Then do a lot of Taobao shopping with the new year money!
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发表于 2022-1-27 23:01:45 60#
#My Spring Festival Story# Thank you Superbuy for the Giveaway! I wish everyone a great holiday, good luck and all the best for the future. I hope the team can enjoy their well deserved break.
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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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