Superbuy Users, Rejoice! Our 12.12 Super Sale Kicks Off Soon!
Time: 00:00, Dec. 7 - 23:59, Dec. 13 (Beingjing Time)
Don’t Miss Out!
Share your 12.12 Shipping Tips or yourbest Superbuy experience by commenting below this post in the required format.
Event Time: 00:00, Dec. 7 - 23:59, Dec. 13, Beijing Time
Our editor will select 46 high-quality commentsin Chinese and English (23 from each of the two topics) before 24:00, Dec. 16 based on comment relevance and content quality, and send coupons to thewinners’ accounts.
1) Share your 12.12 ShippingTips, e.g.which line to send sensitive products, which line is the fastest etc.
Format: #12.12ShippingTips# your current location + recommended line +why you recommend it
2) Shareyour best Superbuy experience.
Format:#BestSuperbuyExperience# + description of your experience
30-100 words are preferred.
* About TheEvent:
1). Please do not post anythingirrelevant to this event, and spams or ads will be deleted by our editor. Anyuser with deleted comments is not eligible for prize.
2) Do not copy the comments of others.Any winner who simply copys and pastes others' comments will be disqualified.
3) Superbuy reserves the right of finalinterpretation of this event.
* About TheCoupon:
1) How to use: The coupon can only bededucted for international freight when you submit shopping agent parcels orforwarding parcels;
2) Validity: Valid through 23:59, Dec.31 from the date of issuance
3) How to check: My Superbuy -> MyAssets -> Coupons (on PC)