Notice on Free Storage Period Extended to 180 Days
Post time 2020-4-22 18:24:48
Last replied 2024-8-30 21:53:22
Dear users,<br/><br/>
Due to the COIVD-19 outbreak, we have been seeing logistics delays, price hikes, and even service suspension, which result in some users failing to send their parcels. To provide all our users with better warehousing service, Superbuy will extend the free storage period to 6 months (from 3 months), effective on 23 Apr., Beijing Time. The details are as follows:<br/>
<br/>1. For product orders submitted from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the free storage period will be extended for an additional 3 months (6 months in total) after the product stock-in;<br/>
2. For products stored in the warehouse from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the free storage period will be extended for an additional 3 months (6 months in total);<br/>
3.For products stored in the warehouse whithout being delivered or under "Overdue" status from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the free storage period will be extended for an additional 3 months (6 months in total);<br/>
4. For products under“Overdue”status from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the status will be changed into "Stored" by the system, and the free storage period will be extended for an additional 3 months. If you still haven’t submitted parcels after such period expires, the product will be under "Overdue" status again.<br/>
1. For products stored within paid storage period from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the payment for such period will be delayed for 3 months;<br/>
2. For value-added services of "Storage Period Extension" purchased from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the effective date of such extension will be delayed for 3 months;<br/>
3.For products returned to the warehouse due to parcel return, order splitting, etc. from 21 Jan. to 17 Apr., 2020, Beijing Time, the time of stock-in will be calculated again, and the free storage period will be extended for an additional 3 months (6 months in total).<br/>
The above adjustments apply for Superbuy users who have signed up with e-mail verification before 17 Apr., and want to send parcels overseas at the time of parcel submission.<br/>
Thank you for your support and understanding. Superbuy will always be here with you!<br/>
Superbuy Team<br/>
22 Apr., 2020<br/>