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发表于 2020-12-10 06:25:21 61#
#Superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# 坐标加拿大。 其实用过Superbuy好些次了,平均收货时间大概都在一周以内,已经相当满意物流速度了!因为现在世界正处在疫情的漩涡中,我本来没有指望物流能像之前一样迅速,毕竟就连本地一些包裹都跟坐牛车一样慢哟哟... 但是!不得不赞叹本次惊人的物流速度,即使疫情期间,从打包发货到收到包裹居然只用了4天!(这也是为什么我作为资深潜水党要站出来分享下这次经历的原因,嘻嘻)赞美完神速物流,那我再来赞美下包裹打包。每一项物品入库时都由工作人员拆包检查,确认无损坏后再重新打包。所有的物品都整整齐齐装在箱子里,满满当当。对,我的意思就是不存在故意增大增重包装加收费用,鼓掌? 【然鹅,由于其中一件物品商家寄了三次才到(前两次丢失??‍♀️),我双十一抢到的¥90运费优惠券过期了!好气哦!】好吧,神速物流和无损包裹还是让我开心的~目前为止,没有收到缴税单(EMS寄送),据以往经验,应该是免税了的,哦耶!
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发表于 2020-12-10 06:41:52 62#
#双12物流寄送秘籍# 坐标加拿大多伦多。用superbuy大概两年多了吧,是被小伙伴安利来的,大家记得安利的时候给朋友自己的推广码啊,可以持续性返利,我朋友已经薅了我不少羊毛了。加拿大的小伙伴们首推选EMS,比UPS啊DHL啊便宜太多,大概3-4天就能到,而且不会被税,至少我走EMS从来没被税过啦。EMS寄液体和零食也是可以的,没有试过整箱敏感物品,不过偶尔夹杂的全部都安全送达啦~疫情之前我一直用的是Equick特惠专线,之前会比EMS便宜一些,也不会被税,可是过来加拿大这边就会被转到Canada Post,而加拿大本地邮政就不是很靠谱……自从疫情之后,特惠专线也没有比EMS便宜了。大家认准EMS吧!
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发表于 2020-12-10 08:21:55 63#

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发表于 2020-12-10 09:34:07 64#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# 在美国居住多年,一路跟随从最开始的panli到superbuy,多年的老粉!对于我们这种在海外居住地人,这样的代购寄送服务实在是太好了! 服务品质越来越好,买手留言跟着也越来越人性化。 每次购买和邮寄体验都非常好,每次包裹都包的特别好,从未体验过破损及其他问题,也目前没有遇到海关被税的问题。会一直支持superbuy!
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发表于 2020-12-10 13:29:31 65#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# 从高中就开始用Superbuy,现在大四了嘻嘻。记得那时候Superbuy还是dotdotbuy。这么多年最棒的一次使用经历大概就是第一次用superbuy的时候了吧。 最开始羡慕中国能天天淘宝购物,后来还是我朋友推荐我用superbuy,才仿佛打开了新大陆!我清楚的记得第一次买了些首饰还有七七八八的,第一次觉得运费有点贵,现在想想真是一点也不贵,因为superbuy的服务真的很值。因为最近的疫情,很多人都反馈 包裹延迟,可能是我幸运吧,疫情期间都是两个礼拜内就收到了嘻嘻。其实我觉得每一次的经历都是很棒,如果拿superbuy跟其他运流公司比的话,它真是太优秀了。
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发表于 2020-12-10 13:40:55 66#
#双12物流寄送秘籍# 目前在加拿大,已经用superbuy超过四年了,第一次听说是通过朋友介绍,后来有一些东西需要寄过来第一次。使用过的路线有:EUB,特惠空运线,EMS特快专递,加拿大包税专线。要说最推荐的那一定是EMS特快专线,因为疫情导致EUB 特惠空运线没有了,但又着急要东西,于是试用了一下EMS,结果一发不可收拾,快的令人发指,我记得很清楚三次平均速度大概是3天左右,从我递交到我拿到包裹,几乎是第二天就上了飞机,第三天就到我家了,简直是太快了。解救了我的燃眉之急,当然了,如果有小伙伴考虑经济实惠的话,强烈推荐EUB,之前用这个是最多的。首先,时间上其实很快,没有花费很多时间;其次呢,经济实惠,很适合一些厚重的衣服,冬天的大衣啊,裤子什么的,没有那么着急,但是又有保障。在这里一定要夸一下superbuy的包装,真的是做到了为顾客着想,身边也有小伙伴用别的转运公司,结果就是包装也不给你拆,就放在里面增加重量,但是superbuy完全没有,真的是不让我们花一分冤枉钱,把包装拆的不能在拆了,根本不会有额外的重量,这一点真的太太太令人满意了。
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发表于 2020-12-10 13:53:21 67#
#双12物流寄送秘籍# 目前在加拿大,双十二马上就到了,作为一个过来人可以勉强给一些建议给新的小伙伴。1. 如果你的东西比较小,重量轻,又比较急需的话,请毫不犹豫的选择EMS,速度一定会让你惊讶 2. 如果物品比较重,多是衣服啊,裤子,鞋子之类的可以考虑 SAL这一类经济实惠的路线,而且不会有敏感物品的问题,在疫情之前的话我也尝试过特惠空运线,因为疫情的缘故导致停了一段时间然后后面的话也还没有尝试,不过时常偏久一点; 3.如果有敏感物品,比如粉末,或者液体(少量)可以尝试EUB,我就用过这个寄过液体和暖宝宝这类东西,而且最后也是成功收到包裹没有产生额外的费用或者被退包; 4. 小饰品,文具之类的考虑EUB,不是那么急需的话可以考虑这个路线,虽然时常有所增加但是经济实惠; 5. 电子产品之类的,重要的文件选择DHL,这个就是独一无二的选择,快是一方面,安全可靠一些;
以上就是近 4,5年的经验啦,希望可以帮到新的小伙伴,
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发表于 2020-12-10 14:10:02 68#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# Maybe 2 months ago, I used EMS line, when it almost arrived, I received a notification said my package has been delivered. Even though I was surprised with so fast speed, I still checked my mailbox. When I picked up my package and opened it, I found the problem- it was not mine, I checked the mailbox several times, and confirmed that there was only one package. Then I realized that my package might be lost, so I contact Superbuy and claimed the situation. The customer agency showed a positive attitude and tried to find any possible way can help me. She first reported my situation to Superbuy and then urged Canada Post to help me check if my package had been delivered correctly, urging them to help me find the package. She continued to follow my messages and also discussed with me the possible outcomes, showing a strong sense of responsibility in the process, not shirking her responsibilities, and actively communicating with me. Finally, with our combined efforts, the package was found. I can say that during this process, Superbuy not only did their best to help me find the package but also took care of my emotions and gave me some help.  I think a good forwarding company is one that not only does the best business, but also takes responsibility when a customer has a problem, and Superbuy has done that. Although I was unhappy that I almost lost my package, their responsible behavior made me feel good and I am willing to continue to trust them with my packages in the future.
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发表于 2020-12-10 17:24:52 69#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# 坐标荷兰。我从dotdotbuy刚上线的时候就开始用了。经历了改名,经历了涨价haha。我所有的线路都用过。最棒的一次应该是eub,竟然,4天,从出发到收到。感觉一定是RP爆发了才会这样。
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发表于 2020-12-10 17:26:27 70#
#双12物流寄送秘籍# 坐标荷兰。我已经下单等待包裹了哈哈。我估计我这次会选择EUB吧。目前来看就EUB最稳定了。我之前报税专线足足走了一个多月(正常时间是11天)。如果EUB能有大重量的范围就更好了。2kg太少了。
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发表于 2020-12-11 12:10:56 71#

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发表于 2020-12-11 12:11:39 72#
#双12物流寄送秘籍# 人在加拿大,因为买买买根本停不下来,总重量超过了很多小包的限制,只能选香港DHL。如果买的东西体积比较大,SAL也是很好的选择,运气好的话很快就能寄到~~
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发表于 2020-12-11 12:16:49 73#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# 这次因为要生宝宝,所以从国内买了好多婴儿用品。非常感谢检查包裹的工作人员,非常认真负责,拍照验货根本不像某宝官方集运那种敷衍了事。客服回答问题也是非常及时。记得以前还没用superbuy的时候,每次买东西和某宝官方几家集运的人打交道就很头疼,东西动没动着就不让寄造成来回运费损失之外,问客服问题也是非常费劲儿,回复慢不说还经常答非所问,感觉非常不专业。自从找到superbuy以后就再也没有这种困扰了,东西先审核再下单,而且根据不同的物品种类有不同的货运路线可以选择。真的是非常便利了!
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发表于 2020-12-11 12:27:05 74#
#双12物流寄送秘籍# 坐标法国。喜欢买买买。非常感谢检查包裹的工作人员,非常认真负责,拍照验货根本不像某宝官方集运那种敷衍了事。已经用superbuy超过四年了,第一次听说是通过朋友介绍,后来有一些东西需要寄过来第一次。对于我们这种在海外居住地人,这样的代购寄送服务实在是太好了! 每一项物品入库时都由工作人员拆包检查,确认无损坏后再重新打包。所有的物品都整整齐齐装在箱子里。而且根据不同的物品种类有不同的货运路线可以选择。真的是非常便利了!
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发表于 2020-12-11 12:44:00 75#

#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# +特殊时期服务很贴心












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发表于 2020-12-12 00:59:07 76#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# superbuy的购物体验不只一次,每次都很棒。1.验货认真。有一点点瑕疵或与卖家描述不太一至的地方,都会让我确认,让人放心。2.有求必应。如果验货照片不太明确,同客服联系后会及时的重新帮我验货并拍照。客服态度也礼貌得体。2.捆包整齐。捆包也是个技术活,每次开箱包裹码的整整齐齐,一点多余的空间都没有!总之,在superbuy的体验都是棒棒的,以后还会继续光顾。
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发表于 2020-12-12 03:28:50 77#
#Superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# For Australian Users, I must say EMS经济线 is one the best shipping line, even though it is not quickest shipping line of all, it is very economical indeed. I would highly recommend using such a shipping line because it gives me a surprise when it comes to the speed of parcel delivery. The last parcel only took less than a week to arrive to Australia. Well done. EMS经济线 can match the speed of the quicker shipping lines.
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发表于 2020-12-12 09:23:57 78#
Switzerland. It has been utilized in Superbuy a couple of times, and the normal conveyance time is likely inside seven days. I am delighted with the coordination speed! Since the world is presently in the pandemic vortex, I didn't anticipate that the coordination should be as quick as in the past. All things considered, even some neighborhood bundles are as delayed as riding in a bull truck... In any case! I need to appreciate the astounding coordination speed this time. In any event, during the pandemic, it took just 4 days from bundling and conveyance to getting the bundle! (This is the reason, as a senior plunging party, I need to stand up and share this experience) After commending the quick coordination, at that point, I will laud the bundle. Everything is unloaded and assessed by the staff when placed into the distribution center and repacked in the wake of affirming that there is no harm. All the things are perfectly pressed in boxes, brimming with things. Truly, I mean, there is no purposely expanding the heaviness of the bundling and additional charges. Praise But goose, since one of the things was shipped off the dealer multiple times (lost the initial two), I twofold 11 The ¥90 dispatching coupon you got has terminated! So furious! Well, overly quick coordination and non-damaging bundles actually make me happy So far, I have not gotten the expense installment slip (EMS sent). As indicated by experience, it should be tax-exempt, gracious definitely!
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发表于 2020-12-12 09:27:32 79#
Switzerland.Twofold Twelve will be here soon, as an individual who has come, can scarcely give a few recommendations to new companions. 1. On the off chance that your things are small, light, and in critical need, kindly pick EMS decisively. The speed will doubtlessly shock you 2. In the event that the things are substantial, the majority of them are garments, pants, shoes, and so forth. Consider the prudent course like SAL, and there will be no issue with touchy things. Prior to the pandemic, I additionally attempted a special air transport course. Due to the pestilence, it halted for a while, and afterward, I haven't attempted it later, however frequently somewhat more; 3. On the off chance that you have touchy things, for example, powders or fluids (a limited quantity), you can attempt EUB. I have utilized this to send fluids and infant warmers, lastly got the bundle effectively without bringing about extra expenses Or be returned; 4. Think about EUB for little adornments, writing material, and so forth. On the off chance that you are not all that critically required, you can think about this course, despite the fact that it is regularly expanded however prudent; 5. For electronic items and such, pick DHL for significant records. It is an interesting decision, quick is one angle, more secure and more dependable;
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发表于 2020-12-12 11:16:56 80#
#superbuy最棒的一次使用经历# 坐标美国。今年年头是我第一次使用superbuy,那时候还是刚开始疫情期间,速度很快,服务很好。我最喜欢商品到了仓库后的商品拍照服务,每次看都商品到了仓库的照片很安心。而且客服的服务人员都很nice,很有耐心的回答问题,如果买不到商品还会退款并且很快速地帮助我们跟店家沟通交流。superbuy 种草!!
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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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