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Special thanks to Superbuy: Anne (& Amy): For finding spare parts in a novel way!
发表于 2019-3-27 15:14:45 | 最新回复 2019-4-29 12:56:50 | 来自于 Singapore 楼主
Special thanks:Anne (& Amy): For helping me purchase 尸体 (corpses)... Oops, that sounds morbid... Please read on! I meant, finding spare parts in a novel way! To share: Taobao, and Idle Fish (咸鱼)are amazing!!! I am a scale modeller, who likes to build those plastic models, usually Gundam plastic kits (or called Gunpla). An example is:
Recently (more like, often) I found that in building models, I would make mistakes (I am a clumsy careless novice) and damage some of the parts... Instead of buying the whole model kit, will be a terrible waste of money and space (imagine each box which is rather big and takes up space). So, if only I can purchase spare parts. Perhaps some shops might break up a whole model into parts to sell, much like a corporate raider acquiring a large conglomerate organisation and then sell of the assets piece by pieces.. (I have shared this in an earlier post). However, this avenue can be difficult (because sellers do not bring in more than 1 copy of the same model- for each set they bring in, they would have to make calculations (example like actuarial science or mathematical probability in setting insurance premiums and payments versus payouts).. Hence a particular part may be easily sold out. And if it is available, sellers usually charge a high price for it. An idea crossed my mind: how about looking for hobbyists may sell their damaged models? I had tried going to forums before but this process is too slow and uncertain, yielding low success rates; not to mentiopn the time and logistics involved. Special thanks to Anne (& Amy) of Superbuy special purchase team!!! Anne (& Amy) found out that there are (and quite a number of) such hobbyists who sell their damaged models on Taobao and IdelFish. They call such models as 尸体 (or literally, corpses). So I have begun to purchase such 尸体 which contain the parts I want. For example:
Thanks to Anne (& Amy) of Superbuy, I am able to stock up and find all the missing parts I want and even extra parts at a lower price than the parts iteselves!
Thank you! Anne (& AMy) & Superbuy Thank you

2019-03-26_17-09-24.jpg (108.48 KB, 下载次数: 12)


2019-03-22_11-07-55.jpg (85.35 KB, 下载次数: 16)


使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-3-29 17:01:05 沙发
looks cool !

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发表于 2019-3-29 17:05:12 板凳
very good !

使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-3-29 19:38:43 地板
that's really cool~~~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-4-29 12:56:50 5#
very good !

使用道具 举报

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