The annual Tmall Chinese Black Friday isjust around the corner.
Are you ready to shop till you drop?
Since this year marks the 10th anniversaryof the Tmall Chinese Black Friday,
there will be major promotions available.But what are the best deals to buy?
This has been questionable to many of us.
This time, Superbuy has prepared a supereasy shopping guide specially for you.
Key Rules:
To put it simple terms, Pre-sale Depositmeans you can pay a deposit to reserve all the pre-sale products
in theinventory in advance, and wait until Nov 11 to settle the final payment.
Here are a few tips you need to know aboutdeposit:
(1) If it is a must-have product, just feelfree to deposit it!
Basically we can guarantee 100% that theproduct can be purchased
at the lowest price of the year.
(2) Pre-sale product can also apply “50 off400 RMB” Tmall Price-off Coupon when you settle the final payment.
(3) You can enjoy a certain amount ofprice-off discount based on the deposit paid in advance!
(For example, if a pre-sale product enjoysa price-off discount which is the same as the deposit paid,
and you deposit CN¥30, then youwill receive a CN¥30 price-off discount. Hence,
CN¥60 (deposit+price-off discount) will be deducted from the actual order total when yousettle the final payment.)
(4) [Special Reminder] By policy, Tmallwill not return your pre-sale product deposit once it is paid!
Now here comes the question:
How to purchase Tmall pre-sale productthrough deposit on Superbuy?
Step 1: Enter the T-mall Pre-sale EventPage
Step 2: Select the product you want to purchase
Step 3: Copy and paste the product’s linkon Superbuy’s official website
。Step 4: [VERY IMPORTANT] Make sure youchange the “deposit price” into “sales price” or “pre-sale price”.
Our shoppingagent will purchase the product for you on the event day.
We will refund you orrequest additional payment based on the final sales price of the product.
You can also join various Superbuy eventsapart from Tmall.
1. Scan the QR Code below and Join ourFacebook Group.
Contact the Group Admin to Claim FreeShipping Coupons~
Join our Facebook VIP group to claim shipping coupons.
2. Check Superbuy Chinese Black Fridayevent page every day!
Claim different Price-off Store Couponsfrom CN¥10 to CN¥50~(Stay tuned)!
3. Limited-time Offers Every Day from Nov1, 2018 to Nov 11, 2018~
4. New Superbuy users will get a CN¥188 shippingcoupon bundle~
Last but not the least, we wish you a happyshopping journey during the Chinese Black Friday!