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Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident 编辑采用
发表于 2024-4-24 18:41:34 | 最新回复 2024-5-24 00:28:49 | 来自于 China 楼主
Dear Valued Superbuy Customers: We sincerely apologize that the Superbuy platform is currently unable to provide PayPal as a payment option. This difficult decision was made after careful consideration, and we would like to explain the reasons behind it. The main challenge we are facing is that due to some recent misconduct issues in the shopping agent industry by some of our peers, PayPal has unilaterally demanded a substantial security deposit from all shopping agent companies. Superbuy, as a reputable shopping agent company that has been operating legally for over 10 years, is also not exempt from this requirement. We understand PayPal's considerations, but the substantial deposit amounting to millions of US dollars would pose a significant risk to Superbuy's operations and is unsustainable. In order to continue providing safe and secure services to all customers, we have no choice but to temporarily suspend the PayPal payment method, even at the cost of losing some sales and facing potential misunderstandings and criticism. At the same time, we are providing other equally high-quality payment options for our customers. We sincerely hope for your understanding. Superbuy has been deeply rooted in this industry for 12 years, always adhering to the "customer-first" philosophy and striving to provide exceptional services to everyone. We take great pride in enabling overseas users to purchase products from China without worries and becoming a trusted brand, never forgetting our original aspirations. Superbuy's operations have always emphasized stability and compliance to ensure the long-term provision of high-quality services and safeguard customers' funds and goods, as evidenced by our user reputation over the past 12 years. The current PayPal issue is entirely caused by problems with other companies in the market and has nothing to do with Superbuy's own operations. However, we are the first company in the industry to proactively suspend PayPal services because Superbuy's operating philosophy is to provide services in a stable, sustainable, and long-term manner, rather than focusing on short-term interests. Even if we temporarily suffer a loss in performance and face some misunderstandings and attacks, we will remain unwavering in our commitment to providing excellent services to global customers. If you currently have goods stored in our warehouse and need assistance due to issues related to PayPal, please contact our customer service team via care@superbuy.com or our online chat. They will do their utmost to resolve any related issues for you. At the same time, we have introduced alternative payment methods and promotional offers to encourage customers to use other payment options, such as credit card payments provided by the globally renowned service provider Stripe, Google Pay, Apple Pay, bank transfers, digital currencies, and more. We believe these payment methods can effectively replace PayPal, and to express our gratitude for your understanding and support, we will offer a series of promotional offers for existing payment methods, such as favorable exchange rates, shipping discounts, and more. These promotions will be implemented within this week, and details can be found on our payment page. In addition to the existing payment methods, we will continue to actively seek other reliable and secure payment solutions. We welcome all customers to suggest payment methods suitable for you, and we will study them carefully. Finally, the Superbuy team sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience caused by this decision. We assure you that Superbuy will always uphold the culture of exceptional service and a "customer-first" philosophy, and will make our utmost efforts to address the needs and solve problems for every one of our users. We truly appreciate your understanding and continued support. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer support team. Sincerely, Gong Haixing CEO, Superbuy April 24, 2024

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发表于 2024-4-25 18:18:50 来自 23#
Dear Superbuy User, Based on feedback from our users, we have discovered that some users are unaware that the Superbuy platform supports Google Pay and Apple Pay payment methods, and are uncertain about how to use these payment methods on the Superbuy platform. Here are the payment processes for Google Pay and Apple Pay: Payment processes for Google Pay and Apple Pay Additionally, we have noticed that the Google Pay and Apple Pay payment options are not prominently placed. We are expediting the process to adjust their placement to a more visible location. Please be patient for the update. If you encounter any difficulties during payment, feel free to contact our online customer service for assistance. We have prepared a survey questionnaire regarding payment methods. We hope you can spare 1 minute to complete it, which will help us provide a better and more convenient payment experience. Payment Method Survey Thank you again for your support and valuable suggestions, which help us continuously improve our services.

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-25 14:48:53 18#
I'm sorry this has happened, but honestly I don't care. You should've warned us customes beforehand, AT LEAST two months in advance, explaining that due to external circumstances you wouldn't be able to offer Paypal checkout in the future, so people would've had time to fix their already open orders and then choose whether to keep using SUperbuy's services with a different payment method or, otherwise, take their money elsewhere. For instance, had I had known this before having 20+ items in my warehouse I would never have bought them through Superbuy, because now I'll have to jump through loops to get the shipping paid, and I do not like that. The lack of Paypal is a big problem, but not as big as the severe lack of comunication on your part (until you faced the backlash of it) and the incredible lack of pre-warning. A big part of the world uses Paypal, mainly and often only. You can't cut it off in the span of two days and expect people to not be angry at you. I've been using this service since 2019, but now it's time to bring my money elsewhere.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-26 13:05:52 44#
I'd just prefer paypal back instead of having to jump through hoops for various other payment methods I dont want to use especially as someone that's been using paypal for 10+ years. I wish you at least gave a warning or made the changes next month instead so I wouldnt have placed any orders and got the stuff I have in the warehouse out. I've been topping up with paypal as well so it's making the withdrawal process more irritating to do
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-24 21:13:05 板凳
If you believe that your other payment methods can replace PayPal, then which one allows me to pay in installments like Pay in 3?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-26 01:44:22 33#
rory_0 replied at 2024-4-25 21:55 Cannot pay with either. I don't have accounts with them. I don't have accounts with any of the alt ...
Superbuy was passing their PayPal transaction fees onto customers, so regardless of whether they raised prices or not, they were not losing out. This is why when they initially claimed they suspended PayPal for the sake of customers not paying higher charges, I replied that it's our choice. I've checked with other agents, and nobody is planning to remove PayPal, even those who honestly told me they're dealing with legal issues in their warehouse and experiencing delays in processing new orders. People in a Chinese thread on BBS say PayPal was the only secure payment method, and they want it back too. SuperBuy doesn't seem to understand the problem. I wrote to customer service straight after the issue happened, and yesterday I received a generic copy-paste reply apologizing and suggesting to register for a Wise account – even though I clearly stated that I need to pay in installments. Even if I'd like to pay directly with a credit or debit card, it doesn't give me that option. Right now, it's only showing Wise, Bitcoin, and some foreign payment systems.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-25 06:26:36 10#
How sad that this happened, but I completely understand that it's something you can't control. PayPal is very important to many of us, because we get paid in PayPal balance, so other alternatives don't exist. Sadly, even though we don't want to, we have to look for another Taobao agent that offers this option. And it's also common for new people to feel uneasy when they see no PayPal payment method, as it makes the site seem unsafe. From what the message says, it doesn't seem like this will be resolved soon, but when it is, don't doubt that I'll come back immediately. Thanks for the excellent service, SuperBuy! /// edit - april 27th Honestly, I was really hoping Superbuy would help me, but when I reached out to customer service, it honestly felt like they don't care about their customers. As one message in this forum mentioned, you contact them for help and they reply with a generic message. I explained my situation, and the MINIMUM I expected was for them to help cover the storage cost. Their response was: you can top-up with Wise and extend your products for 3 months, even though I can't top-up with Wise, and I explained it perfectly. It seems that the fact I can't use PayPal isn't their concern. At this point, I can confidently say that Superbuy doesn't care about its customers. Not giving any prior notice about this situation, the least they should do is extend our FREE storage period until the issue is resolved or provide a PayPal account where we can send money to ship our things and never use this service again.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-26 01:04:47 31#
rory_0 replied at 2024-4-25 14:48 I'm sorry this has happened, but honestly I don't care. You should've warned us customes beforehand, ...
I couldn't have said it better. Not being able to top off using PP is a huge burden. I get that Wise is available, and have used it previously. I'm comfortable with it. But topping off with it spur of the moment is a no go. It takes almost a day (depending on TOD where you are when you send the funds and TOD in China) for the funds to appear in my SB wallet. Yet PP top off was instant. It takes planning to top off using Wise. It's time to take my business elsewhere. SB is the ONLY warehouse (and I spread myself across 4 so I can say this as a fact) that is doing this. Other warehouses aren't. I understand that the PB and WGB raids screwed a lot of things up....but don't take it out on your customers. And ESPECIALLY don't cut us off with no warning. That was just bad business decision making on SB's part. Even *if* PP imposed these fees with no warning to SB (not likely); as a business SB should have given us at least 30 days to get ourselves together. Most of us probably would have sorted ourselves out by shipping out everything that was in our warehouse and then not ordering more (which obviously long term negatively affects SB which is probably the #1 reason they didn't give us warning) or by shipping to other warehouses/shipping agents. SB is acting like they are the only game in town! I will be emptying my warehouse and taking my business elsewhere because of this decision. PP for top up was my go to and being US based I didn't have other timely options. Not to mention, being able to pay in four for huge hauls.....
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-27 16:30:37 54#
I have always been using PayPal with my prepaid credit card. Now I can use my prepaid card only to buy single orders or paying shipping but I cannot use it for the top up of my Superbuy account!!! can you please make some kind of prepaid card method available for the top up now? like Stripe for example? I do NOT want to use any method where I have to use my bank account, like Giropay or MyBank because I do NOT feel safe. If the website is hackered my prepaid credit card has a limited amount of money and I feel safe using it but I fear a lot using online a payment method linked my bank (I have been victim of an online fraud before and I do not want this to happen ever again). Please make a only credit card method available for top up soon, otherwise I will have to search for some other platform even if I like you a lot.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-26 03:22:57 36#
Horyonogaru replied at 2024-4-26 01:44 Superbuy was passing their PayPal transaction fees onto customers, so regardless of whether they r ...
Exactly! For that day or something WE paid for the higher fees. This is not a case of company f'ing up their customers and pretending they did nothing because people usually forgets or just ignore things. This time they literally made it impossible for a large part of their customers to simply have any business with them. People literally can't pay SB even if they wanted. How is that facilitating them getting money? They decided arbitrarily to cut off a portion of their customers for no apparent reason. First it's the increase in fees (despite them saying they were dropped on the customers a couple days prior), then it's Paypal supposedly demanding millions out of the blue and on the spot, which is simply ridiculous. Do they think we're stupid? So far they haven't given us any valid reason for this to happen so suddenly. An announcement of it happening one month from us, sure, annoying but it gives people time to settle their things up before Paypal becomes unavailable. What they did is instead highly unprofessional. I've been recommending SB to my friends and colleagues but I guess I won't be doing it anymore, since they're receiving so much backlash but don't seem to care.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-25 21:55:51 26#
小小编 replied at 2024-4-25 18:18 Dear Superbuy User, Based on feedback from our users, we have discovered that some users are unawar ...
Cannot pay with either. I don't have accounts with them. I don't have accounts with any of the alternative payment methods you're offering, and I do not plan to open any of them anew just for a single site (you). Unless you reinstate Paypal, once I paid for the shipping expenses I have, I will change proxy service as you demonstrated your lack of reliability. Other services that you claim have the same fees didn't remove Paypal. So you're either demonstraring your greed by not wanting to pay the increased fees, or your lack of financial stability by not being able to pay said fees. Either way, this is not something I want to keep dealing with. If you can't understand that the problem isn't just the lack of Paypal, but it's the lack of warning regarding your decision, I don't know what to do. Every post like this is only cementing your complete disregard of your customer base.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-25 16:23:44 21#
isaysaveme replied at 2024-4-25 15:25 As a PayPal user myself I understand why they are unable to continue with it. Don’t think it was  ...
I don't want to find a different payment method just for one single site when I can use the only I already have everywhere else. I don't have Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, and Wise (which, together with Stripe, has a bad rep here) and I don't plan on getting to know another payment service just to stay here. I entered a business transaction that planned at least two different payments (for the items and then the shipping) under the assumption I could use Paypal to pay for both. Halfway through it, as I paid for the items but not the shipping, the method I was relying on got suddenly cut off with one day warning. They could've found a compromise with Paypal before cutting it off. I don't know what's going on behind the scene between them, but this is a very bad way to conduct business. I would've liked the choice between staying here with a different payment method or go elsewhere, but this hasn't happened. I am FORCED to find another payment method because I already have items in the warehouse, because I can't do anything else. And I don't like it. It might be all Paypal's fault, but I still feel scammed by Superbuy.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-24 00:28:49 77#
I therefore cannot select the items I want to order from the warehouse home
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-21 08:08:22 来自手机 76#

Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-17 00:12:41 来自手机 75#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-12 16:10:06 来自手机 74#

Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident

yeah, that's great
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-6 18:37:47 73#
Update from me: I'm sticking to SB (even though removing PayPal is inconvenient for me). This is the only professional and well-organized shopping agent that allows me to buy with confidence. I've tried a few others, and they were a huge disappointment: buggy sites, not taking pictures of items during inspection, returning items to the seller instead of replacing them if they thought the seller sent the wrong item (and not even consulting me), hidden balance, no automatic balance withdrawal, hidden fees, only a few shipping lines, etc. My advice: even if you're frustrated with SB, stick with them and save yourself a headache.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-6 01:30:43 72#
rory_0 replied at 2024-4-25 14:48 I'm sorry this has happened, but honestly I don't care. You should've warned us customes beforehand, ...
you obviously have NO idea of what happened with that huge raid on PB. i'm gonna try to put it in the simplest terms for you.. let's say you are a seller like SB and your friend is PB. your friend sells 100 stickers and is going to the post office to mail them out to the buyers but then they get mugged and all the stickers are taken away. no stickers for the buyers, what do they do? they all file chargeback.. so now Paypal has to cough up the money to refund all the buyers and then they hit up your friend for the funds. Paypal sees that you also sell stickers and are a risk to not deliver, so they jack up the prices to use their services.. they want you to give them a $500 deposit instead of the usual fees just in case you get mugged and people want their money back. so it's really unfair that you are demanding this and that and Superbuy should have given you 2 months advanced notice blah blah blah.. it was a RAID! MILLIONS OF DOLLARS are involved.. Paypal is gonna see all the agents as a huge risk and charge a substantial amount to use their services. Superbuy has been the best proxy site i've found so i'll definitely be sticking with them. i need Paypal topup just as bad as everyone else, so i'll just wait it out.. it's not permanent as Tommy said.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-3 12:22:41 71#
isaysaveme replied at 2024-4-25 10:37 Sorry if you already figured it out but PayPal is available through stripe. It’s only available a ...
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-1 16:29:44 70#
I came to superbuy after using spreenow for a couple years and having had a few communication problems with them. But they were always resolved in the end, and never personally cost my anything more than time. So I will be going back to them. I know many people didn't like it because the service fee is a bit high, but at least I can still use paypal. I am in an area with only a small credit union and not a full bank. Said credit union also does not allow foreign transfers. Any payments made through alipay (which i used on aliexpress before they added paypal) were charged back and I got calls about how I could be removed from membership for doing so. So I cannot use the bank transfers even if I did trust them, and I guess sue me for not having a credit card? If I had even just a two week, hell ONE week notice, I could have topped up $200 to cover a few pre-orders and shipping for items coming in mid-June. Now? Now I'll have to ask a friend from out of town to either loan me their credit card, or do a bank transfer for me. I know my friends would, they know I'd pay them back. But why should I have to ask for money to pay for orders I easily could pay for myself. When I first got the email I truly though it was a warning about an increase in fees for me to pay in order to use paypal, which was meh but I figured it was fine. Other shops do it, and I liked the coupons and promos SB gave me so I figures it would be worth it. Instead you  just got rid of it? Why? This seemed like such a poor choice and I will be shopping elsewhere from here forth regardless of the outcome, I'm not risking being forced to abandon my orders because of your poor management.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-5-1 04:51:12 来自手机 69#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-29 07:08:58 68#
W0nderwinter replied at 2024-4-29 06:23 ive dried putting their addres but it seems like theres province missing and city
Province is "Zhejiang" and as city put line which is labeled as "Area" on CSSbuy (as it contains exact district and city).
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-29 06:23:55 67#
Horyonogaru replied at 2024-4-29 03:27 They provide you with their warehouse address to use if you want to buy something by yourself (or  ...
ive dried putting their addres but it seems like theres province missing and city
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-29 05:59:18 66#
lamdanabi replied at 2024-4-29 04:48 what are best alternatives to sb that offers paypal?
I think the only one reliable at the moment is CSSbuy, as others have encountered legal issues in their warehouses. I've placed 5 separate orders to test them out, and there were no problems using PayPal.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-29 04:48:36 65#
what are best alternatives to sb that offers paypal?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-29 03:27:14 64#
They provide you with their warehouse address to use if you want to buy something by yourself (or in this case, move items to their warehouse). It's under 'Account' -> 'China W.H. Address' (the top line will include your nickname). Simply use this address as the shipping address when submitting a parcel with SuperBuy. Local shipping is inexpensive, so you can move over 10kg of stuff for just $10. Unfortunately, you'll have to pay with a card or through GPay/ApplePay. Then, when your items arrive at the CSSbuy warehouse, you can use PayPal to ship them to your country.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-29 01:44:20 63#
Horyonogaru replied at 2024-4-26 18:55 I don't know if that will help anyone, but you can forward your Superbuy stock to CSSbuy and than su ...
how can i do that?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-28 23:07:09 62#
Thanks for info i m pay now via account bank trnsfer and its much better then paypal.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-28 19:42:10 61#
ssvm replied at 2024-4-28 11:25 Is totally understandable .Also is a correct and fair decision. I would also drop PayPal or any othe ...
Most financial institutions, including banks, refuse to deal with 'risky customers,' which often includes businesses related to crypto, gambling, the adult industry, drugs, marijuana, etc. Why do shopping agents fall into this category? Because their customers often order bootlegs and replicas, and when these items are caught by customs, they initiate chargebacks. This results in PayPal losing money, funds in the agent's account being suspended, and them losing money. Not to mention the potential legal actions that can follow, as seen with WegoBuy and PandaBuy. In summary, financial institutions avoid dealing with businesses involved in dubious activities, and it's not solely a matter of insurance. All of those who order replicas can now forget about chargebacks as nobody is so generous as PayPal with it. Hopefully agents will become more strict about what people can order to protect themselves too.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-28 11:25:40 60#
Is totally understandable .Also is a correct and fair decision. I would also drop PayPal or any other big "kahuna" if they would try to scheme my business of millions. They should show respect for everyone and if they are afraid of doing business maybe should pay more for insurance or get out of bussines all together.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-28 00:11:14 来自手机 59#

Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident

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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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