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【Xianyu Shopping】How did cotton dolls catch on?
发表于 2022-9-14 16:56:12 | 最新回复 2023-1-28 00:24:15 | 来自于 China 楼主
If you are walking on the street and happen to hear a young girl say that she has a bunch of babies to raise, don't be surprised, the "babies" may be cotton dolls.   Cotton dolls were originally popular in Korea. They are generally divided into two categories: "no attribute" and "attribute". Attribute cotton dolls refer to dolls made according to idols and animated characters. No attributes cotton dolls are not made of real people or animated characters. The cotton dolls are divided into "ordinary hair" and "fried hair" types according to their outlook, and the material is divided into milk silk and high-temperature silk. There is also "slang" in the doll circle. For example, "Air baby" refers to cotton dolls that you have paid for but haven't received yet. "Naked dolls" refer to dolls that you haven't bought clothes for. Cotton dolls are not as expensive as garage kits. The price of an ordinary doll is around 60 to 70 yuan, and it may be more than 100 yuan with a larger size. The experience of "raising a baby" is mentally healing. Cotton dolls with big eyes and chubby bodies are so cute that you will fall for them. In order to pursue individuality, many people have not only been satisfied with a single aesthetic but also begun to design the appearance of dolls themselves. At present, "grouping" to customize dolls with attributes has become a more popular way. 【闲鱼】正版无雪棉花娃娃

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棉花娃娃3.jpg (288.12 KB, 下载次数: 44)


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发表于 2022-10-16 02:31:36 来自手机 11#
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发表于 2022-10-5 12:35:58 来自手机 10#

【Xianyu Shopping】How did cotton dolls catch on?

I love this
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发表于 2022-9-23 09:30:25 来自手机 9#

【Xianyu Shopping】How did cotton dolls catch on?

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发表于 2022-9-19 11:06:05 8#
nikolettj27 发表于 2022-9-17 18:38 What do you mean by "little girl"? I am a grown adult and I am raising an army of cute dolls, haha.
Just an example hahaha. I mean Cotton dolls are really cute~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-9-19 04:47:32 来自手机 7#

【Xianyu Shopping】How did cotton dolls catch on?

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-9-19 02:47:43 来自手机 6#
In teresting
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-9-17 18:38:44 5#
What do you mean by "little girl"? I am a grown adult and I am raising an army of cute dolls, haha.
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发表于 2022-9-17 17:38:39 来自手机 地板
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发表于 2022-9-17 12:37:13 来自手机 板凳
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发表于 2022-9-15 04:14:21 来自手机 沙发
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