Our editor visited many used-items platforms lately anddiscovered a special sections of ornaments in Zhuanzhuan.com.
All items there are sourced directly from the manufactures and sold at 100 RMB on average,
With transaction security guaranteed by the platform itself,it’s worth your try (and money as well).
▲ Hetian Jade & 925 Grade Silver BeadedEarrings
158 RMB 【Certificate of Appraisal included】
▲ Xinjiang Hetian JadeBracelet
399 RMB 【Certificate of Appraisal included】
▲ Hetian Jade Bracelet
RMB 99
▲ Hetian Jade Stringed Pendant with CarvedArhat Head
269 RMB
▲ Authentic NaturalTibetan Goat Horn Apple Beads String
168 RMB
▲Misprinted Stamps
258 RMB
▲ S925 Grade SilverVintage Natural Agate Earrings
168 RMB
▲Copper IncenseBurner
168 RMB
▲ Silkwood Water RippleString
128 RMB
Check thetips to buy from Zhuanzhuan.com