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  • 596 2 1 可乐 发表于:2020-11-3 预览
    #11.11ShoppingTips# My favorite shops are: 森女部落snbl (Taobao) they have JK, cute clothes perfectdiary旗舰店 (Taobao) it’s a cosmetic, make-up store lonel洛
  • New Zealand #11.11ShoppingTips# 新人帖
    622 3 0 Kevin 发表于:2020-11-6 预览
    My 11.11 shopping tip is to use the EMS shipping option if you are purcahsing smaller parcels. I only purchase smaller parcels so I recommened the EMS
  • 576 2 2 豆豆宝 发表于:2020-10-29 预览
    看电子书看的眼镜有些不舒服,还是喜欢纸质书。看起来也更有感觉。 推荐几个店铺,个人很喜欢的 当当网官方旗舰店 凤凰新华书店旗舰 飞乐鸟官方旗舰 前两个买闲书,最后一个买填色线稿 棒棒的
  • 773 1 1 抱有希望的非洲猪 发表于:2020-10-21 预览
    名副其实便宜好用的眉笔 卡其色彩。性价比最高了。朋友推荐过之后就再也没花冤枉钱买大牌眉笔了
  • 1023 3 4 Ciel 发表于:2020-10-16 预览
    店铺安利哦 【恣肆zisi 】 店铺指路链接    喜欢裙子的小姐姐们不要错过啦,她们家原创设计的好多款小裙子我都超级喜欢!!很有设计感(当然我觉得是对身材有点小要求啦)很仙!很显气质绝对不是那种烂大街的款!!我已经入手两件了,我对比了一下双十一入购的话会比平时便宜3
  • 543 0 0 tinadoubi 发表于:2020-11-2 预览
    先说第一件国潮,季野,他们家我最喜欢买帽子,明星同款挺酷的,但我这次看上了这条裤子,女生穿了显瘦的那种又很酷!购物车走起 第二件也是国潮,潮叁,大部分人都应该多少有所了解吧,双十一之外我就买了好几次了,这次看中一件羊羔绒的外套,也是比较百搭,酷酷的,还保暖,购物车走起!当然还有其他的好几件,默默的加
  • Nigeria SUPER BUY 新人帖
    378 1 0 Ahnie 发表于:2020-11-1 预览
    My orders are Sound?? thank you super buy ❤️❤️
  • 首先感谢大家的热情参与!!本次活动中奖名单如下,如有异议请联系小编。活动一:# Superbuy 8周年# 来聊聊你与superbuy的故事! ▲可点击活动标题,查看活动规则 【中奖名单】 @花戀蝶  原帖链接:superbuy8周年,我想说… 玖兰原帖链接:sup
  • 543 0 0 Jessie 发表于:2020-10-31 预览
    服饰和饰品是我邮寄的两个主要大类 舒适,好看,价美的店铺来啦 不知道多了多少手 每次上新必路 买买买 不用心疼钱包 真的 物美价廉!! 童装店铺 佳灵优品 饰品店铺 Golicc 古里雅
  • 来加拿大读博一年多,除了偶尔买COS,其他还是没找到喜欢的衣服品牌。之前大学四年都在步履不停买衣服,喜欢他们每一次的主题和理念:比如“灵魂超重”,比如“天真是一种超能力”。他们希望女孩们可以穿上衣服步履不停,而我也真的穿着他们的衣服走了很远的路。从八月份开始,用了两次superbuy转运他家的衣服。
  • 736 4 0 palmer.dn 发表于:2020-10-18 预览
    My favourite store in Beijing for t-shirts is Plastered. So happy to be able to buy from there through Super Buy and remind me of my travels to there
  • 657 4 2 Jaredm.wu 发表于:2020-10-18 预览
    my shopping tip is to use Superbuy as an agent and contact their customer service! they are very friendly and smart! Superbuy agents helped me ship fr
  • 1285 5 2 Mochhi_lin 发表于:2020-10-1 预览
    I have been a customer on Superbuy for about a year now and Superbuy made it possible for me to cosplay more and cheaper. I was seaeching for a good T
  • 456 1 0 zhi_long_hong_ 发表于:2020-10-21 预览
    Excellent work being responsive, fast, skilful, persistent, helpful in helping me secure a rare gem ftom Xianyu Amie & Tessy Best
  • 814 0 0 bimboveda 发表于:2020-10-21 预览
    [Super October] Share 11.11 Shopping Tips to Win CNY 200 Shipping Coupon After a year using Super Buy I must say this has been my favourite app by
  • 984 1 0 r0lf_RuTIN 发表于:2018-10-26 预览
    Very nice jacket
  • 862 2 0 Daniele Marchi 发表于:2020-9-28 预览
    Wow that picture
  • 889 2 1 mowmowme 发表于:2020-10-7 预览
    #Superbuy8thAnniv# I only started using Superbuy recently, about 1 year. I wished I started sooner though. I started using Taobao direct shipping a
  • 981 4 1 Anna 发表于:2020-10-1 预览
    When I first discovered Superbuy I was the happiest person ever because as an Asian Australian I’ve always wanted to buy stuff from Taobao but it was
  • 1125 2 1 vch5220 发表于:2020-9-27 预览
    I first knew Superbuy in 2018, when I was looking for a good taobao agent. I tried two other agents but was not sastified due to lack of clarification
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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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