首页 福利活动 福利活动
  • I, Superbuy Women’s Day eventTime: Mar.1 - Mar.8 Benefit 1 , Millions of coupons giveaway Mar.1-8, Limited coupons will giveaway every day. During the
  • 655 0 0 可乐 发表于:2021-5-27 预览
    #Top Value-added Service# The service that I choose the most is the “Customized Packaging” as I buy DVD/CD and album I need some pluriball to protect
  • My top value added service is "SHIPPING EXPERT."It will provides with best shipping line that suits your shipping needs. I used to use packaging demo
  • 893 3 2 spring 发表于:2021-6-17 预览
    #Top Value-added Service# The top 2 value-added services I use and like are EPE Loosing Filling (to make sure my items aren't sliding around inside th
  • 701 3 2 spring 发表于:2021-6-17 预览
    #Top Recommended Line# For shipping to the USA, I recommend SAL for its price and speed. Delivery speed can be anywhere between 10 days - 3 months.
  • 416 1 0 Sandy 发表于:2021-5-19 预览
  • 508 0 0 Heysssyun 发表于:2021-5-19 预览
  • 607 0 0 AllisonL 发表于:2021-5-17 预览
    侥幸尝试寄了一次自用的防疫用品(口罩)和云南白药牙膏 竟然成功了 价格便宜 因为其他线路可能更没戏 实在有需求的朋友可以试试
  • 已经在德国生活12年了,前几年要买淘宝的东西,总是选ems,而德国的ems不同于别的国家,因为德国并没有ems这个邮递公司,如果选了ems,东西到达德国后势必会进入一家叫gsl的公司,你必须支付50欧元给这个公司让他为你清关,这才有可能放行,你如果不想付这钱,只能打电话或写信给法兰克福的海关中心并要
  • 692 0 0 兔火火 发表于:2021-5-19 预览
    用过SAL,普运专线,DHL香港,EMS,EMS-A,EMS武汉等等。 SAL是我最常用的,疫情之前性价比特别高,现在涨价了,但是也比其他的便宜。 普运专线在疫情爆发时候用过,堵在加州三个月才收到,这个我挺闹心的,因为比SAL贵,还比SAL慢两倍。同样的疫情期间,SAL只延迟了两周。 DHL以前寄
  • 因为经常从日本代购裙子饰品,就会和国内买的一起发到superbuy的转运仓库里面囤一波一起寄过来 目前用过荷邮小包 ems SAL 小包寄的是比较易碎的手作饰品,寄了二三十个吧,等了可能有两个月,物流更新速度比较慢,不过总体而言是平安到达了,运费也比较划算。 ems寄过一次,是寄的裙子,比较贵,不过
  • 762 3 1 Deathmoor1 发表于:2021-5-15 预览
    我平常都会进一些模型和手办累的商品。一般这些的话因为体积比较大。所以我都是推荐使用Sal。虽然近期很慢,要一个月才到。但是价格比较合理。然后Superbuy(SB)也很配合。可以安排帮你好好打包避免商品损坏。虽然还是会,但是该做的都会帮你做。有问题也会帮你解决。真心觉得还是不错的选择。 如果你真的
  • 运过二十几单了,相对来说DHL最稳,从来没迟过,最慢一周,除了贵没毛病。适合用来寄急用的东西。 EMS-A和EMS特快基本比较快,以前基本10天左右,不过最近一两个月有点拖了。四月以来20来天都没送到…衣服和日常用品我一般都用EMS。 SAL我一般用来寄书,虽然慢但稳妥且便宜。EUB只有寄小物件用过
  • 自从疫情开始后各种路线邮费都涨了不少,多亏superbuy推出了SAL,便宜又稳妥,不至于钱包大破。15-30工作日咋一看上去接近海运的时间了,但是运气好的话一周到的情况也有,如果不是很急着要的东西这个路线是最优选,能比预期要早到达的话简直赚翻了(狗头.jpg)! 然后说说EMS,EMS特快我也用了
  • 1132 1 0 黄黑土豪学霸粽 发表于:2021-5-15 预览
    老实讲,疫情期间大大加大了我其他物流方式的使用频率,给大家根据经验推几个我用过的吧。 EMS特快:如果说最实惠最快的肯定是EMS。我坐标多伦多,ems特快基本不收税(不排除意外情况,比如从温哥华入关)。价格相对便宜,我最快的时候3天到,也有比较久的拖了11天左右。具体还是看飞机。不过ems我曾经在
  • Valentine's Day is arriving. Million freight will giveaway. You can win  big prize of up to ¥1000, and no min.spend for all the coupons. Sup
  • Preholiday gift arrive! Submit your parcel for a rich year before Spring Festival holiday! Save at least 20% / 1KG through SF Air Experss. Line: SF
  • The Spring Festival, is the most important festival in China. Everyone bid farewell to the old and welcome the new! Paste New year's red, burn firecr
  • Before Dec.13, forward the Double 12 event (copywriting+poster+ tag#12.12  #superbuy.com) to social media platforms( only Facebook/ Youtube/
  • The first wave of  Double12 benefits, move your hand to save ¥75 ! [url=https://www.superbuy.com/en/page/subject/?id=21917]PC link, grab now
Supershow Event: show yourself and get rewards such as credits and shipping coupons, etc.
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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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