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#ProductFeedback# Notification tone (and/or bubble) for internal messages & internal inquiries
发表于 2019-12-1 18:53:21 | 最新回复 2020-1-15 03:35:25 | 来自于 Clarke County 楼主
OBJECTIVE:This post appeals to Superbuy to consider the following suggestions to add the funactionality of notifications for the internal messages & internal inquiries. The notifications can be as simple as a notification tone or a notification bubble- whichever require least resources for Superbuy.  This suggestion will benefit Superbuy and users. CURRENT SITUATION:Whether is it through Superbuy handphone app, or Supoerbuy website, users have several means to contact Superbuy: - Email to @service - Livechat - Long distrance phone call - Internal inquiries - Internal messages This post refers: - to the communication channels which allow users to communcaite DIRECTLY with the purchasing agents without an additional layer which opens up to misinterpretation, communication breakdown and delays: - Internal inquiries (users can click on "Inquiry" under a particular DO to send to agent, and agent will reply via "Inquiry") - Internal messages (this is more one direct; from Superbuy (be it agent, service, care, etc) to user) - MORE to Superbuy handphone app than Superbuy website; although actually it can also apply to Suoerbuy website (in a slightly different form) PROBLEM HIGHLIGHTED: But it is easier to understand starting with: For Superbuy website:
That is, users have these means: - Internal inquiries (users can click on "Inquiry" under a particular DO to send to agent, and agent will reply via "Inquiry") - Internal messages (this is more one direct; from Superbuy (be it agent, service, care, etc) to user) Regardless, in both cases, users need to read - Internal inquiries - Internal messages (Which may or may not be concurrently sent as emails) Moving on to: For Superbuy handphone app: One has to launch and go into Superbuy handphone app. Then and only then, one can see there are messages:
Then one goes to:
Then one goes to
and double tap to open the messages. (The concern is NOT the number of steps or double-taping. No no. Rather, the concern is:) CONCERNS / DIFFICULTIES: As at now, when users receive replies to internal inquiries, and internal messages, users have no way of being notifieed or alerted. So, users have to CONSTANTLY and REGULARLY: - whip out his or her handphone, launch Superbuy handphone app, go into it - or - launch desktop browser, go to www.superbuy.com, log in, and then check This is especially so when for some DOs, users have sent urgent messages (eg. clarifications, instructions, requests, etx) or awaiting agents' reply before poceeding further. Errrrr, having to constantly and regularly go into Superbuy to check whether are there any reply to internal inquiries or internal messages can make the entire experience a sad one. Worse, it make result in Dos being purchased wrongly. Worst, any late delay may result in items being sold out. Purchasing agents also suffer. They are not able to process and complate DOs on the spot. They need to make a mental note and check back, etc, They need to wait for replies from users, and vice versa- ding and dong, to and fro. May result in unnecssary downstream work. PROPOSALS: For Superbuy handphone app, - would it be possible to receive a alert / notification tone (much like when one receives a Wechat message, a SMS or whatsapp?) (Even for Facebook and Weibo, when messages are received, the messenger will also sound an alert)?
(Of course, even better still, will be if Superbuy allows users to choose tones- given that one has SMSes, Wechats, Whatsapps, Emails, Twitter tweets, Facebook messenger, etc. BUT I understand all these cost resources). Nonetheless, to have an alert tone (even if one cannot change) is a blessing! (And if it is not cost effective to allow users to choose tones, then perhaps a spxial Superbuy tone to help users to diffferentiate? And also can be an advertigins tool for Superbuy when friends around are curious about the tone:) and/or - (subject to Superbuy's cost-benefit evaluation) would it also be possible to have a notification bubble to the Superbuy app icon?
I understand there are third party apps one can use to ad notification  bubbles. HOWEVER, of all the following I have tried, none works:
CONCLUSION: This post seeks to submit a proposal and appeal to Superbuy to add a much needed functionality to Superbuy handphonme app, specifically, in terms of alerting users to a reply (to an inquiry) or message received. Currently, users have to suffer the hassle (and anxiety) of constantly checking one's handphone, launching Superbuy app (or refreshing the app), open it, etc. Worse, if users or purchasing agents need to contact re urgent clarifications, questions, request, instructions, changes, etc. To users, it ensures no problem with purchases, successful purchases. To Superbuy purchasing agents, it takes a load off their mental stress as they have to process thousands of DOs per day. Having to remember or make a note or stop or come back to the DO or  check for replies cause much stress- and also affect producitivty.  Above all, it prevents errors which may lead to returns/exchanges, delays, disputes, aftersales, etc. All these can be nipped in the bud and prevented. For your kind consideration please. Thank you

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-12-4 10:59:48 沙发
Thank you for your feedback. Our workers are already planning for this product features . Plz stay tuned!
回复 点亮 1

使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-12-18 21:24:04 板凳
Thank you!!!

使用道具 举报

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  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
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This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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