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发表于 2024-4-25 16:23:44 21#
isaysaveme replied at 2024-4-25 15:25 As a PayPal user myself I understand why they are unable to continue with it. Don’t think it was  ...
I don't want to find a different payment method just for one single site when I can use the only I already have everywhere else. I don't have Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, and Wise (which, together with Stripe, has a bad rep here) and I don't plan on getting to know another payment service just to stay here. I entered a business transaction that planned at least two different payments (for the items and then the shipping) under the assumption I could use Paypal to pay for both. Halfway through it, as I paid for the items but not the shipping, the method I was relying on got suddenly cut off with one day warning. They could've found a compromise with Paypal before cutting it off. I don't know what's going on behind the scene between them, but this is a very bad way to conduct business. I would've liked the choice between staying here with a different payment method or go elsewhere, but this hasn't happened. I am FORCED to find another payment method because I already have items in the warehouse, because I can't do anything else. And I don't like it. It might be all Paypal's fault, but I still feel scammed by Superbuy.
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发表于 2024-4-25 17:47:59 22#
isaysaveme replied at 2024-4-25 15:25 As a PayPal user myself I understand why they are unable to continue with it. Don’t think it was  ...
I don't. PayPal gives at least a 30-day notice before changing any terms and conditions. They not asking businesses to make a $1 million deposit on demand. Other shopping agents have not been affected as they are still accepting PayPal. SuperBuy is just trying to force people to switch to payment methods where they (SuperBuy) pay lower transaction charges or (more likely) their PayPal funds have been temporarily blocked. This is why they have removed it temporarily, not permanently. People know there are other ways to pay, but if they are using PayPal, they have reasons behind it.
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发表于 2024-4-25 18:18:50 23#
Dear Superbuy User, Based on feedback from our users, we have discovered that some users are unaware that the Superbuy platform supports Google Pay and Apple Pay payment methods, and are uncertain about how to use these payment methods on the Superbuy platform. Here are the payment processes for Google Pay and Apple Pay: Payment processes for Google Pay and Apple Pay Additionally, we have noticed that the Google Pay and Apple Pay payment options are not prominently placed. We are expediting the process to adjust their placement to a more visible location. Please be patient for the update. If you encounter any difficulties during payment, feel free to contact our online customer service for assistance. We have prepared a survey questionnaire regarding payment methods. We hope you can spare 1 minute to complete it, which will help us provide a better and more convenient payment experience. Payment Method Survey Thank you again for your support and valuable suggestions, which help us continuously improve our services.

apple pay 付款流程 APP en 1.png (180.02 KB, 下载次数: 55)

apple pay 付款流程 APP en 1.png

apple pay 付款流程 APP en 2.png (113.79 KB, 下载次数: 54)

apple pay 付款流程 APP en 2.png

google pay 付款流程 APP en 1.png (242.47 KB, 下载次数: 57)

google pay 付款流程 APP en 1.png

google pay 付款流程 APP en 2.png (195.43 KB, 下载次数: 54)

google pay 付款流程 APP en 2.png

google pay 付款流程 PC 1 en.png (125.66 KB, 下载次数: 55)

google pay 付款流程 PC 1 en.png

google pay 付款流程 PC 2.png (58.09 KB, 下载次数: 54)

google pay 付款流程 PC 2.png
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发表于 2024-4-25 20:04:16 来自手机 24#

Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident

chaibryant replied at 2024-4-25 11:37 How do I pay for anything with a card? I'm from USA
use airwallex option
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发表于 2024-4-25 21:55:24 25#
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发表于 2024-4-25 21:55:51 26#
小小编 replied at 2024-4-25 18:18 Dear Superbuy User, Based on feedback from our users, we have discovered that some users are unawar ...
Cannot pay with either. I don't have accounts with them. I don't have accounts with any of the alternative payment methods you're offering, and I do not plan to open any of them anew just for a single site (you). Unless you reinstate Paypal, once I paid for the shipping expenses I have, I will change proxy service as you demonstrated your lack of reliability. Other services that you claim have the same fees didn't remove Paypal. So you're either demonstraring your greed by not wanting to pay the increased fees, or your lack of financial stability by not being able to pay said fees. Either way, this is not something I want to keep dealing with. If you can't understand that the problem isn't just the lack of Paypal, but it's the lack of warning regarding your decision, I don't know what to do. Every post like this is only cementing your complete disregard of your customer base.
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发表于 2024-4-25 22:00:51 27#
How am I going to pay for things without PayPal? I live in the US and there is no other option! If I had known about this beforehand, I would have jumped ship for PandaBuy..... and I will now unless PayPal is reinstated......... and after I get my stuff shipped out internationally.... There is no way I can trust you guys anymore after this! If there was a way to make you give my stuff to PandaBuy (I have an account with them too) and have them ship internationally so I can get my stuff, I would to that in a heartbeat! So can you please do it? I can't pay you guys anyway, again, no PayPal, and that's my only option due to being in USA.
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发表于 2024-4-25 22:20:45 28#
rory_0 replied at 2024-4-25 14:48 I'm sorry this has happened, but honestly I don't care. You should've warned us customes beforehand, ...
Sadly, this wrecked my trust in SuperBuy, so even if they brought back PayPal, I will be using PandaBuy from now on. They didn't feel the need to do this! Basically I'm in full agreement with you, and in a similar situation as well, as I have stuff in my warehouse I need to ship out!
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发表于 2024-4-25 23:07:38 29#
someblackmage replied at 2024-4-25 22:20 Sadly, this wrecked my trust in SuperBuy, so even if they brought back PayPal, I will be using Pan ...
Pandabuy are garbage, so casual, expensive, one of the worst agent u can see around.
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发表于 2024-4-25 23:21:22 30#
YOGGA replied at 2024-4-25 23:07 Pandabuy are garbage, so casual, expensive, one of the worst agent u can see around.
They're more trustworthy than Superbuy at this point! T_T And there's NO WAY I'm gonna be paying Superbuy with Crypto!
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发表于 2024-4-26 01:04:47 31#
rory_0 replied at 2024-4-25 14:48 I'm sorry this has happened, but honestly I don't care. You should've warned us customes beforehand, ...
I couldn't have said it better. Not being able to top off using PP is a huge burden. I get that Wise is available, and have used it previously. I'm comfortable with it. But topping off with it spur of the moment is a no go. It takes almost a day (depending on TOD where you are when you send the funds and TOD in China) for the funds to appear in my SB wallet. Yet PP top off was instant. It takes planning to top off using Wise. It's time to take my business elsewhere. SB is the ONLY warehouse (and I spread myself across 4 so I can say this as a fact) that is doing this. Other warehouses aren't. I understand that the PB and WGB raids screwed a lot of things up....but don't take it out on your customers. And ESPECIALLY don't cut us off with no warning. That was just bad business decision making on SB's part. Even *if* PP imposed these fees with no warning to SB (not likely); as a business SB should have given us at least 30 days to get ourselves together. Most of us probably would have sorted ourselves out by shipping out everything that was in our warehouse and then not ordering more (which obviously long term negatively affects SB which is probably the #1 reason they didn't give us warning) or by shipping to other warehouses/shipping agents. SB is acting like they are the only game in town! I will be emptying my warehouse and taking my business elsewhere because of this decision. PP for top up was my go to and being US based I didn't have other timely options. Not to mention, being able to pay in four for huge hauls.....
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发表于 2024-4-26 01:32:54 32#
小小编 replied at 2024-4-25 18:18 Dear Superbuy User, Based on feedback from our users, we have discovered that some users are unawar ...
Where are Stripe and Airwallex to be found? If I wanna topup, my options are Bitcoin, Alipay, Wechat, Kakaopay etc
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发表于 2024-4-26 01:44:22 33#
rory_0 replied at 2024-4-25 21:55 Cannot pay with either. I don't have accounts with them. I don't have accounts with any of the alt ...
Superbuy was passing their PayPal transaction fees onto customers, so regardless of whether they raised prices or not, they were not losing out. This is why when they initially claimed they suspended PayPal for the sake of customers not paying higher charges, I replied that it's our choice. I've checked with other agents, and nobody is planning to remove PayPal, even those who honestly told me they're dealing with legal issues in their warehouse and experiencing delays in processing new orders. People in a Chinese thread on BBS say PayPal was the only secure payment method, and they want it back too. SuperBuy doesn't seem to understand the problem. I wrote to customer service straight after the issue happened, and yesterday I received a generic copy-paste reply apologizing and suggesting to register for a Wise account – even though I clearly stated that I need to pay in installments. Even if I'd like to pay directly with a credit or debit card, it doesn't give me that option. Right now, it's only showing Wise, Bitcoin, and some foreign payment systems.
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发表于 2024-4-26 02:08:57 34#
psorin replied at 2024-4-26 01:32 Where are Stripe and Airwallex to be found? If I wanna topup, my options are Bitcoin, Alipay, Wech ...
I don't know about Airwallex, but Stripe is only appearing for checkouts sadly...
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发表于 2024-4-26 03:07:54 来自手机 35#

Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident

For those who can't find Google pay, it's listed under Stripe and Airwallex. Hope that helps. Thank you superbuy team for working hard on this!
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发表于 2024-4-26 03:22:57 36#
Horyonogaru replied at 2024-4-26 01:44 Superbuy was passing their PayPal transaction fees onto customers, so regardless of whether they r ...
Exactly! For that day or something WE paid for the higher fees. This is not a case of company f'ing up their customers and pretending they did nothing because people usually forgets or just ignore things. This time they literally made it impossible for a large part of their customers to simply have any business with them. People literally can't pay SB even if they wanted. How is that facilitating them getting money? They decided arbitrarily to cut off a portion of their customers for no apparent reason. First it's the increase in fees (despite them saying they were dropped on the customers a couple days prior), then it's Paypal supposedly demanding millions out of the blue and on the spot, which is simply ridiculous. Do they think we're stupid? So far they haven't given us any valid reason for this to happen so suddenly. An announcement of it happening one month from us, sure, annoying but it gives people time to settle their things up before Paypal becomes unavailable. What they did is instead highly unprofessional. I've been recommending SB to my friends and colleagues but I guess I won't be doing it anymore, since they're receiving so much backlash but don't seem to care.
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发表于 2024-4-26 04:54:09 来自手机 37#
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发表于 2024-4-26 07:24:26 来自手机 38#

Follow-up Regarding the PayPal Payment Incident

jmbottlegnomes replied at 2024-4-26 03:07 For those who can't find Google pay, it's listed under Stripe and Airwallex. Hope that helps. Thank  ...
For top off? I don't have those options in the US. I think Ilitterally all I have is wise and I need to figure out if it works for me. I hope they add more realistic options like direct cc payment for the US.
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发表于 2024-4-26 10:58:44 39#
rory_0 发表于 2024-4-25 14:48 I'm sorry this has happened, but honestly I don't care. You should've warned us customes beforehand, ...
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope you can understand. If you encounter any difficulties in the current payment method, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service, we come together to discuss the solution, we hope to help you, and hope that you can continue to support us.
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发表于 2024-4-26 11:00:39 40#
YOGGA 发表于 2024-4-25 14:50 I will continue shopping with you. It would be good if you could accept litecoin, since it is 10 tim ...
Thank you very much for your understanding and support, it touches us very much. We will continue to research and develop more possibilities.
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  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
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