
[Super September] Superbuy8thAnniv,Share Your Superbuy Stories

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发布时间: 2020-9-17 17:27


How Time Flies! It’s been 8 years since we started this journeytogether! Onlywith your support over these years can Superbuy make such great success! Foreach milestone in our development trail, we ...


Doggo 发表于 2022-7-31 01:29:37

[Super September] Superbuy8thAnniv,Share Your Superbuy Stories

enzotailame 发表于 2020-10-10 13:03:48
Thank you so much for your work
RobxRob2 发表于 2020-10-9 14:57:37
#Superbuy8thAnniv# I've always wanted to order in Taobo and joining Superbuy made it easier for me to understand and get what I wanted. I was very impress with Superbuy's excellent service from communication to ordering the goods is first class. I have been a member now for almost 4 or more years and I really recommend Superbuy as first of all Trustworthy and Realiable. Even without the points, I'm happy to share this comment and Happy 8th Anniversary
dk00-21 发表于 2020-10-9 00:40:59
#Superbuy8thAnniv# Hello! I live in Uzbekistan and there is hard to buy something from China, a lot of sellers from Aliexpress etc. don't ship to our country. So I'm looking for Taobao shopping agent. Today I've known about Superbuy. I've never used this service, but I read many good reviews, hope they are true.
badetht 发表于 2020-10-8 00:11:36
karlosguns2013 发表于 2020-10-6 20:20:55
karlosguns2013 发表于 2020-10-6 20:15:27
thanks you
ookla48 发表于 2020-10-6 07:07:15
#Superbuy8thAnniv# Superbuy is the best website to purchase items directly from China! When I first found superbuy, I was extremely happy as I had found a way to purchase from Taobao without paying any fees! I have purchased a graphics card from Superbuy, and it arrived extremely quickly and in great condition. I would extremely recommend this agent service to anayone that wants to purchase from Taobao with no fees. I used Australia Post to get my product shipped and the prices were so cheap, at first I didnt believe that they were that low! My product came extremely quickly, and I was very happy. I wish to purchase many more items of the best agent website Superbuy! Long live superbuy!
gregorots 发表于 2020-10-5 19:03:25
luv u superbuy
boostedcxntz 发表于 2020-10-5 05:08:09
cg 发表于 2020-10-4 02:27:28

[Super September] Superbuy8thAnniv,Share Your Superbuy Stories

badetht replied at 2020-9-22 00:45 THank you
#Superbuy8thAnniv# Really happy with superbuy I found a thread on Google that recommended it. I've bought so many keyboard and model accessories that I could not otherwise get! The packing and customer service team is amazing and I am very happy to recommend to others!
baconharvester 发表于 2020-10-4 01:23:09
#Superbuy8thAnniv# get items not sold internationally any where else and see the level of packaging that can be done
isaacstitch 发表于 2020-10-3 06:48:23
#Superbuy8thAnniv# I remember my first time using Superbuy was great. One item I remember buying was a nice heavy hoodie. The most unforgettable experience with Superbuy was getting from First parcel using their service. The shipping service is also very fast and helpful!
hamza 发表于 2020-10-3 01:39:57
# Superbuy8thAnniv # I am new to SuperBuy I really like the development of the site and the simplification of use and the services provided by superbuy in addition to a generous and very welcoming customer service that will answer you as soon as possible, frankly and without compliment you are the best and i will always work with you we love you and a lot of respect keep going i will sponsor my friends and family to use superbuy best regards and thank you
mturner2234 发表于 2020-10-2 23:47:53
#Superbuy8thAnniv# Superbuy is so easy to use :-D
lilith 发表于 2020-10-2 17:16:41
Happy 8th Anniversary to Superbuy and to me for discovering Superbuy! I first learned about Superbuy by just google what agents can ship to my country if I buy from Taobao. The sign up was pretty easy and google translate was my best friend to navigate the site :D Through the years, I was able to buy from China as save so much money since everything in China is awesome! I always buy fashion items like clothes for my personal use. All my friends love my ootd posts! I always love how user-friendly, attentive and fast the shipping and service is with Superbuy. It's basically one of the best things that happened to me. I'm so thankful I discovered Superbuy! Please keep it up and I am looking forward to sharing more anniversaries with you guys! Much love! #Superbuy8thAnniv#
savvyalley15 发表于 2020-10-2 05:43:20
Congratulations to  #SUPERBUY8thAnniv#
I started using Superbuy back in 2019, almost at the end of the year. I was so afraid to be cheat out of my money because I have never used a forwarding service, much less a Shopping Agent. But I was desperate to find a website that can help me purchase from Taobao or Tmall. And that it is in English and can help provide the service swiftly and without much hassle like other Shopping agent websites. What struck me most about Superbuy its the system in which it operates. Everything is so well managed. For instance, if you have a question about a product that you're not sure how to go forward with, over at the right side of the website there's always a floating menu where it offers online chat with Superbuy's agents. Very quickly, you can get answers as they help you speak to Chinese Sellers... and all this for FREE!. I am also so delighted and grateful that Superbuy offers 3 Inspection Pictures for FREE per ITEM. [See attached pictures]
No other Agency offer this service for FREE. They charge for each picture. this make Superbuy stand out alot. They even help to inspect it and further after-sale service in case the item you bought turned out damaged or wrongly shipped. This service is amazing. And lets not forget you have 90 days of FREE STORAGE!... I have some items still inside Superbuy warehouse since August 2020 and they are still there, free of charge.
I have used Superbuy at least 6 times since my first parcel. I have bought too many things using Superbuy, and with this service I have to admit they have helped me built my small bakery shop. Every item I've used I've bought it using Superbuy. And not once have i encountered a problem. The shipping handling offered is also super accesible as they simply ask you for a total, and everything else is taken care of. Yes! Everything else is taken care of. That means: your parcel will NEVER be stuck in customs depositary. It takes probably 7 to 10 days top to deliever from Superbuy's warehouse to Mexico. And everything is traceable. And when i say traceable, I mean literally everything. From the moment you buy 1 item, that is recorded in your Orders profile, to parcel asignment, to shipping, to tracking your shipment to arrival of merchandise at your doorstep. I can trace my orders back in 2019 still and I can still see the inspection photos from the time I bought my items, including those that were cancelled. Everything is spectacularly done. Adittionally, all of our parcels came from logistic-line through Hong Kong, and all of them were quite fast as we either use DHL or EMS. The shipping line is not cheap, but certaintly, you pay for what you get: A reliable, fast, and no-nonsense delievery. So it really is worth it for us. The great thing also is Superbuy doesn't just shop for you in Taobao or Tmall, but they also shop on your behalf in JD and 1688 as well. This mean you can even find more competitve prices compare to Taobao or Tmall, provided you understand a little bit of chinese when working around those websites. The first time our parcel arrive to our doorsteps I was afraid they might have gotten mix-up since it had came-in less than 10 days. We were people who despite having had bad experiences with international sellers, we were still willing to trust as China's shopping website offers too-much-of-a-better-price-to-ignore. In the end, we were so happy to receive our parcel so fast. And our worries finally turned into smiles we confirm for the first time using Superbuy , that everything was legit, fast and reliable.
Please have a look of the parcel orders we have through the year, all the items were bought using Superbuy services. And how we implemented the items we bought into our menu products in our small Bakery shop.
These Plastic containers and bakery goods were items impossible to find here in Mexico. So our only option was through Shopping Agent. We have looked for countless websites. While others also do provide a good service, none is comparable with Superbuy in our verdict. Albeit Superbuy is not the cheapest, but the comission and percentage they charge are well worth it as Superbuy offers that tranquility customer needs to go to sleep without worries that their items are safe in their warehouse waiting for you to move forward with the next parcel.

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jaegerbox 发表于 2020-10-2 04:02:14
#Superbuy8thAnniv# I first heard about Superbuy this year when I was looking at purchasing some CQL merchandise as there was an artbook I was really interested in. I was a little nervous at first since I've never used an agent before, but everything was so simple and clear that my worries weren't very big at all! The artbook I ordered was beautiful and the extra packaging really saved it from being damaged in transit, I was so happy! I've pre-ordered another artbook along with a figurine that I'll ship together, so I'm looking forward to receiving them!
I'm really glad that it's clear what stage your order is at, especially once it's arrived at the warehouse and inspection photos are taken, it made me feel even more secure about the whole process. Shipping is scary because there's always the worry that things might get lost, so tracking info really helps ease that anxiety. Thank you so much for all you do!
karlosguns2013 发表于 2020-10-1 07:36:07
thanks you
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This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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