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#Garage Kit# - Using GK resin cast parts to enhance.... (Thanks to Superbuy Amie & Mona & Feng)
发表于 2019-12-19 07:38:28 | 最新回复 2024-5-28 04:29:17 | 来自于 Clarke County 楼主
Thanks to Superbuy, I am able to enhance my existing Bandai model kit (Master Grade, 1/100 scale, Gundam RX-78-2 Version GTO) A typical model kit (Master Grade, 1/100 scale, Gundam RX-78-2 Version GTO) looks like:
If one relishes the challenge of customising it further, one can resort to GK garage kits.
Garage kits are so called because they are not manufactured by large manufacturers- instead, they are made by hobbyists in their backyard or "garage" where they can find space and room. For example, Steve Jobs used his house's garage (unused) to make the original Apple I. So did Bill Gates for his Windows operating system. GK is the leading hobbyist in making these kits. These kits composed of parts which must be hand - crafted (sculpted) by the hobbyist. Then the parts are then cast using: - silicone mould One would get a reverse mould. Thereafter I would mix 2 kinds of chemicals: - resin (树胶) - hardener (固定剂) and arrive at the final resin cast. (If anyone is interested, I shall cover this in future posts) Sorry i digressed. Back to the model, I managed to purchase enahanced / detailed parts to add on, made by GK, from taobao, through Superbuy:
Of course, thanks to Superbuy, in particular Xianyu purchasing specialist Amie
OF COURSE, all the while, with customer specialist 客户关怀专家 Mona Thrilled to receive it! The parcel was well and carefully packed by Superbuy, thanks to warehouse team leader 高峰 Feng & his B2B Team (Paul, Haitina, Silver) It arrived fast too, using IE-Post Time to unbox!
The GK kit looks like:
One would first pay out the parts to check whether any is missing or out of shape (may happen because these GK kits are not manufactured in a factory but hand made in small quantities)
Did a detailed study:
If one is particular, GK kits take a long itme. This is because: Each part has to be sanded, smoothed and polished.. Then primed with resin primer, then applied with basecoat. Only then one will assemble the GK part to existing model u first without cement (what we called dry run) finally with cement (wet run) The final outcome may need additioal tools such as pins, wires, etc for the joints.
I tried to follow what i purchased through Superbuy';
Work In Progress (nearing completion)_: I had taken photos every day as I worked on the GK kit to add on. However, the photos were lost in my aunt's handphone. So sorry. Only have 1:
Final completion: Of course, i am not a professional! So....
Thank you for your time and attention! Thank you to Superbuy & Superbuy BBS! Thanks!

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-12-19 10:03:45 沙发

使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-12-19 16:21:48 板凳
Thanks! Not may will say such hobby is cool... :(
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-12-20 14:22:19 地板
zhi_long_hong 发表于 2019-12-19 16:21 Thanks! Not may will say such hobby is cool... :(
it's really cool!有这个爱好的人DIY能力很强!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-12-21 23:49:58 5#
Thanks!不敢当。。。。 其实,相反,DIY 不好。。。。最是不好,才开始这Garage Kit & Scale Model, 然后, - 锻炼学习 - 培养耐心 同时,我得使自己,慢下来,别急。。。。 发现,慢慢,先计划,多想想先,按部就班,一步一步,脚踏·实地等待 过程跟结果都重要 The process is as important as the end result, if not more Though the waiting process is an agonising torture, the satisfaction when the final goal is achieved is sweet! 而且, discovered I can concentrate as i plan, think, work on the model, build, sand, polish, refine, enhance, and prime, paint, coat, etc Somehow it helps me to enter into the FLOW... like in the zone... in an elevated altered state of consciousness.... when you lost yourself as you concentrate singlemindedly on doing what you love Somewhat like meditation Finally, helps me destress! :)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-3-9 10:12:07 来自手机 6#
Nice custom!
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使用道具 举报

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