#ProductFeedback# A Tale of 2 Cities: Superbuy website & handphone app
发表于 2019-11-24 18:11:31
最新回复 2020-1-15 03:34:52
Clarke County
My third attempt. Hope helps.This is not so much pointing out a problem, but more on making a suggestion to incorporate a very good feature (already found) in Superbuy handphone app to Superbuy website.
The writer is aware and appreciative that Superbuy interface is continuous improving.
Over the past 2 years, the writer has personally witnessed at least 2 revamps which really make Superbuy website more user-friendly.
Going forward, consistently, the writer is seeing how Superbuy interface is still evolving!
Also, the writer is aware of cost-benefit evaluation of any suggestion.
Ideally, if an organisation has unlimited resources, 101 suggestions can be implemented.
Realistically, for better or worse, we live in a real world where resources are limited; competition intense; and there is a need to control costs (which benefit the users too in a win-win outcome).
Superbuy handphone app has an excellent feature, which is missing in Superbuy website.
Superbuy website:
If users need to check which items have arrived and been stored, he/she has to:
And then one has then to go:
However, what if one does not need all these details,
but, only wants an overview
(Eg. number of items stored)
(Or even number of items AWAITING to be stored)
The website interface has not provided such big picture view.
HOWEVER, Supoerbuy handphone app has the above taken into consideration!!!
As we have observed, Superbuy interface (especially the website) is coninuous improving;
and over the past 2 years, we have seen at least 2 revamps which really make Superbuy website more user-friendly.
(User-friendliness and ergonomics do go a loooooong way to giving Superbuy a sustainable compeititve advantage, especially in today's era where users have less assymetric information, more knowledge of alternatives- and are so used to internet surfing, that ease of use is taken for granted.
Like houshold chores, which are "invisible":
- If done, sadly, goes under appreciated
- If not done, displeasure results and users will cruelly banish this option to oblivion and then move on to other alternatives.
Of course, the writer is aware of cost-benefit evaluation of any suggestion.
After assessing, (but please correct me if I am wrong), this suggestion will not require much resources.
This is especially so when Superbuy is full of IT talents (after all, CEO is one of the cofounder of Tencent- from QQ to Wechat and more !!!);
and the template already exists in Superbuy handphone app (though forgive me, if I under-estimate the technological transfer from handphone interface to website interface given the different programming languages).
For your kind consideration please?