Build your own alliance and earn good money in a breeze. Follow me to start now! 1、Simple step to become a Superbuy Affiliate: Log in to sign up as Su
Bitcoin was added to payment methods on Superbuy in November 2020. The following provides a brief intro about Bitcoin and relevant service fees for y
Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for choosing Superbuy International Shopping Service, The Superbuy Team and I highly appreciate it. To ensure that
Q1:如何加入推广者联盟?Step1:进入推广联盟注册页☞ https://www.superbuy.com/cn/page/about/affiliate/点击【加入】。 Step2: 根据实际情况,选择开通类型【个人开通】或【商家/团体开通】 Step3:完善个人信息,并认真核实。尤
Q1 : 黏土可以寄送美国或者加拿大吗?属于什么类别,有什么限制吗? 答:泥土国外都是禁止入口的。少量非白色的可以尝试EMS夹带普货的形式尝试寄送美国,海关风险需要您自行承担,请您知悉。 Q2 :用EUB单独寄送化妆品容易被海关扣留吗? 有谁试过? 还是和别的东西一起寄的? 答:化妆品属敏感
Superbuy 针对小伙伴的个性化需求,推出增值服务项目,许多朋友体验后,反馈不错。 ▲仓库增值服务一览表 包装加固服务 购买了易碎物品或贵重物品,害怕在运输途中打碎,可以选择加固服务。 目前提供的收费加固方式有如下几种: 1、EPE泡沫填充物:使用泡沫板对包裹内空间进行填充保护,极大程度的
Flash sale! 2000+ choiceness with at least 80% (to 95%) off. More than 2000 New Arrival on sale at 12:00 pm, January 5th, Beijing Time. All products a
有关包裹寄送/物流服务您需要了解的事 尊敬的用户,您好,我和Superbuy团队非常感谢您选择我们的国际购物服务,在您完成了购物并准备寄送商品给自己之前,为了确保您能得到最满意的结果,我强烈建议您花一点时间阅读我们为您准备的国际寄送服务相关提示:
Must-knows About Parcel Delivery / Logistics Dear users, thanks for using our shopping service! Superbuy Team and I really appreciate it. Before get
最近社区里很多小伙伴晒出了11.11的包裹,小编隔着屏幕也能感受到大家的喜悦之情。 不枉superbuy仓库的小伙伴,通宵奋战,只为了尽快的把包裹送到大家手上。 ▲ 社区的小伙伴已经收到1/3的双十一包裹了 忙碌的双十一已经告一段落了, 现在让小编带大家回
Have you noticed that more and more of the interesting, unique, and quality products in your life come from China? Want to unlock the magic of the wor
China 精华汇总——海外代购、转运大宝典在国外,一遇到关于代购/转运的事就烦躁 尤其是算汇率,比对各种物流路线.... 还好Superbuy里常有达人出现,还有Superbuy的专家和服务人员为大家的贡献的各种专贴,感谢各位大神总结贡献的干货❤ 下面是小编呕心沥血为大家归总的干货大集锦 持续更新ing,记得mark哦!
China 【Must】Shopping Agent01、Superbuy will purchase products for you from selected third-party platforms, but Superbuy will not take responsibility for the risks that come with
Superbuy Community aims to provide its users with an open and friendly environment where you can share your experience of purchasing products from the
China 【Must】Parcel ForwardingYou can ship the product you purchased from Mainland China or Hong Kong to the Superbuy warehouse and send it to various locations around the world fr
尊敬的各位用户,您好,我是Superbuy CEO Agong,最近因新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延的因素导致整个国际物流行业的大面积严重延误,在Superbuy平台上提供服务的各物流商包裹也同样受到了明显影响,因此我们收到了不少用户提出的物流时效、包裹
【tips:如果这里没有找到你想要的答案,欢迎评论区讨论,小编定期抽取问题回答哦】 Q1: 可否增加欧洲铁路包税专线?“运费越来越贵了,能否增加欧洲铁路包税专线?别的转运公司有欧洲铁路线,如果superbuy也有就好了。因为相较其他,更信任superbuy。” A: 铁路包税线已在筹备,
购物分享 一篇呕心沥血的淘宝の宝藏店铺分享 吐血整理 平价高质量的宝藏店铺 个人收藏巨爱的宝藏店铺推荐! 12家个人私藏可咸可甜的宝藏店铺 最爱cosplay Emperor Li Zhicosplay Halloween 从零开始的异世界生活 艾米莉娅
Sometimes,our users will submit product-related feedback in their posts. However, there are so many posts and it is hard for us to summarize them. To
Superbuy Selected Mall is an online shopping mall that sells products directly from the supplier selected by Superbuy. Its inventory is updated nonsto