All dear users, here comes the latest features of all logistics lines available on Superbuy. Take Note! (^_−)☆ The delivery time
With so many shipping lines availableon Superbuy, you may find it hard to choose the one that fit you best. NoWorries! Upon detailed compa
综合大家的晒单反馈, EMS特快专递时效平均在10天左右,较往常慢了许多。 SAL、EUB时效相对稳定,价格较EMS特快专递具有优势。 关于本帖展现用户晒单所反馈的时效仅供参考,以实际变动为准,详情请查看:https://www.superbuy.com/cn/page/query/freight/
SAL 时效有所提升,德国/英国等部分欧洲国家时效在2周内可到达,大物件包裹建议采用此条线路。 EUB线路仍是用户好评较高的线路,时效稳定,价格便宜。 EMS特快专递、大陆DHL、香港DHL-A(小货)时效较其他线路而言快,大部分用户反馈平均在4-5天左右收到包裹。 寄送带电产品的用户主要使用了如下
EMS本周时效快,平均在一周左右收到包裹。 EUB时效较前段时间相比,速度有所提升,部分地区在10天左右收到包裹。 SAL时效在15-25天左右,相对稳定。 以上内容仅供参考,时效将以实际变动为准, 详情请查看:https://www.superbuy.com/cn/page/query/freig
持续了14期的物流评价周刊,从大家的晒单反馈上, EMS特快专递、EUB、SAL是大家选择较多的3条线路。 春节过去了,本周的物流时效逐渐恢复,其中EMS特快专递普遍反馈在5-10天内到达(反馈用户主要以英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大等地区)。 想追求更快时效,不考虑价格因素,可以选择大陆DHL,整体
综合大家的晒单反馈,近几周平台整体物流时效都较以往快了许多。 尤其EMS特快专递及大陆DHL,几乎在一周内到达, SAL、EUB时效稳定,价格较EMS、DHL等具有较大优势,但有寄送往德国的用户反馈SAL寄大包被查税的几率较大, 荷邮几条线路本周反馈不错,尤其在寄送含有电池的商品优势明显,时效稳定
“Fast”, “end-to-end tracking supported”, “safe”... These are some of the top concerns when sending urgent and high-value parcels. No Worries! Hong Kon
Do you know that Tmall seta new sales record of 498.2 Billion in this year’s 11.11 ShoppingFestival?How much have you guys splurged? Wait aminute, did
话不多说,直接上图。 成人用品&食品可选线路 液体粉末可选线路 药品&非医用防疫物资可选线路 内置电池&移动电源(充电宝)可选线路 直插电器(不含电和磁)可选线路 各大品牌衣服光盘可选线路 邮限将以海关以及承运商政策变动为准。 Superbuy提醒您: 1. 以上结
With endless top deals rolling out during11.11 Shopping Festival, you guys may have stocked up loads of cosmetics anddigital products. These babies m
Wanna wear celebrity-themed apparel to show support to your idols? Need unique gifts to tell someone that he / she is so special? Or capturing big mo
违禁品 凡是涉及此类物品均属于违法行为 1、爆炸性、易燃性、腐蚀性、毒性、强酸碱性和放射性的各种危险物品,如雷管、火药、爆竹、汽油、酒精、煤油、桐油、生漆、火柴、农药等所有列入化学工业出版社出版的“化学危险品实用手册”中的化工产品;2、麻醉药物和精神物品,如鸦片、吗啡、可卡因(高根)等;国家法
Dear users, Upon notification from logistics provider, due to the EU tax reform, tax prepayment ratio for some EU-oriented lines will be adjusted star
Dear users, To thank you for your continued support, Superbuy keeps introducing more top-rated logistics lines to provide you with more shipping optio
Dear Superbuy users, Upon notification from the logistics provider, it will increase the freight of Europe Air Express (Batteries)&Registered Air Mai
考虑到价格和效率,SAL较EMS性价比高。当然如果价钱不用考虑,EMS可能最快,但贵很多。 2021年1月18日用SAL提交了包裹,2月3日就收到,而且是新春旺季,可能那时航班多吧,但确实对SAL很满意。SAL与EMS相比可能只需要再多几天才收到,但便宜得多。 本来EUB也不错,但是不太稳定,有时快
Now a variety of shipping lines areavailable on Superbuy, with different shipping rates to satisfy your shippingneeds.For heavy cargo, however, the sh
Lately, a bunch of usershave shared pics on BBS of receiving products purchased from 11.11 shoppingevents, and our editor, sitting on the other side o
https://www.superbuy.com/cn/ https://www.superbuy.com/en/ About Us: We are a cross-boader forwarding service provider located in China. Since incep