Superbuy小编爆料:团购编号 20170424002
Superbuy Editor Tip-off: Group Buying No. 20170424002
团购商品:雪肌精精华防晒啫喱80g(保湿补水 防晒液 隔离霜)
KOSE Sekkisei Sun Protect Gel 80g (Moisturizing, Sun Screen Fluid, Foundation Base)
市场价格: 230 RMB(欢迎各大平台全网比价)
Retail Price: 230 RMB (Feel free to compare prices on allplatforms)
superbuy团购价: 180 RMB(已包含到达Superbuy仓库运费)
Superbuy Group Buying Price: 180 RMB(Shipping fee from seller to Superbuy included)
Source: Direct purchase from local provider in Japan. Authenticityguaranteed.
To thank the group purchase organization, Superbuy has cut the marketprice of 240 RMB/ item to 108 RMB!
Limited to only 5 item! First come, first serve. Available for groupsof no less than 4 users.
9:00, April 24, 2017-23:59:59, April 28, 2017(Beijing Time)
If the group is successfully formed, your product willbe collected into the warehouse within 3 working days. If not, we will processaccording to the User Instruction.
We advise users to have the product sent via EMSas food to minimize the risk of delay and lost item.
订购须知:Purchase Instruction:1. 商品来源说明:团购商品来源均来自于superbuy自营或合作商户,品质有保障。
2. 到货时效:自营和合作商户由于所在中转仓不同,具体到货时间请参考每期团购贴的提示。
3.成团限制:每期团购活动均有最低成团数量,请参考。 Group Requirement: A group size minimum isapplied to every group purchase event. Please refer to the post for thespecific number.
4.未成团说明:如果活动结束后未成团,团购商品订单费用将会在3个工作日内,全部退回您Superbuy个人账户中。 如有其他任何疑问,可随时与我们的在线客服联系
5.寄送风险:食品、化妆品、带电池商品等属于海关受限物品,会有相应的邮寄限制,为了规避风险,一般会用限定的寄送方式,但不能完全保证一定不会被海关退包或罚没,购买代购或团购的此类商品,则表示您愿意自行承担此类商品的相关风险。 Delivery risks: Food, cosmetics, andproducts with battery are limited items by customs and will face correspondinglogistics limits. To prevent the risks, such products are usually sent withcertain shipment method but there is no guarantee that the products will not bereturned or confiscated by customs. If you purchase such products throughshopping agent or group purchase, it means you are willing to take the relevantrisks by yourself.
6. 售后服务:代购商品均适用于Superbuy现有售后服务After-sales: Current after-sales serviceare available for all shopping agent orders.
7. 特殊商品说明:根据国家相关法律规定,食品、保健食品类商品属于特殊商品,一经售出非质量问题概不退换货。为了保证食品安全,请您在收到食品类商品时仔细查验商品及保质期,商品一经出售将不接受退货,但国家食品质量监督检验机构公告的有质量问题的商品除外。
Special Product Instruction: According toChinese laws and regulations, food and health care products are specialproducts that are not available for return or exchange once sold unless qualityissues are found. To ensure food security, please check the product and itsexpiration date carefully when you receive the product as they are notavailable for return once sold unless the national food quality supervision andinspection agencies provide otherwise.
Tip: Group purchase products are specialprivileges Superbuy offers to its users. They cannot be returned or exchangedonce sold and shipped out.