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发表于 2021-3-15 11:29:19 | 最新回复 2022-9-27 10:35:00 | 来自于 China 楼主
尊敬的用户, 接物流商通知,香港DHL-A(小货)、香港DHL-A(大货)近期发生包裹已如实申报,但仍被香港DHL退回的现象,具体如下: 香港DHL将持续严查低申报的包裹,使用以上两条线路寄送的包裹,有接近1%-3%的包裹被香港DHL判定为低申报并要求退回。如果您使用这两条线路寄往全球任何一个国家,请务必如实填写申报商品金额,以降低包裹被退回的风险。 如果您的包裹被香港DHL判定为低申报要求退回,有以下三种处理方案可选择: 1.将包裹退回到我司物流商仓库重新使用该线路发出,同时需要您配合提供商品交易证明(比如商品购买链接或付款截图等),重新发出包裹同样有被香港DHL判定为低申报的几率,建议您如需重新发出,可联系我方客服协助您操作适当提高商品申报价值,比如在发票上添加运费项(此项将会作为申报总金额的一部分),但注意包裹最终的申报总金额会作为目的国海关征税的基数。 涉及费用:需支付操作费RMB100/包裹和提货费RMB100/包裹给物流商 2.将包裹退回到我方香港仓库,重新选择其他线路进行寄送。 涉及费用: 需支付提货费RMB100/包裹、顺丰操作费用RMB100/包裹和顺丰快递费(该费用实报实销)给物流商 3.您可选择由物流商帮忙销毁包裹。 涉及费用:需支付提货费RMB100/包裹给物流商。 由此给您带来不便,敬请谅解,如有任何疑问,可联系我司在线客服,谢谢。 涉及线路: 香港DHL-A(小货)、香港DHL-A(大货) Superbuy 2021.3.12
Notice on Handling Parcels Returned via Hong Kong DHL-A (Small) / (Heavy)
Dear users, As per the logistics provider, despite being accurately declared, some parcels sent via Hong Kong DHL-A (Small) / (Heavy) are still returned by Hong Kong DHL. The details are as follows: As Hong Kong DHL continues to crack down on undervalued parcels, nearly 1% - 3% of those sent via the above 2 lines are considered undervalued and required to be returned. If you send parcels via these 2 lines to any country, please enter the declared value accurately, so as to minimize the risk of parcel return. We offer 3 options if your parcel is considered undervalued and returned by Hong Kong DHL: 1. Return it to the logistics provider’s warehouse and send it again via the same line, with you providing proof of transaction (such as purchase link or screenshot of payment). As any re-sent parcel is still likely to be considered undervalued by Hong Kong DHL, we suggest that you contact our customer service to properly increase the declared value, e.g. adding the freight on the invoice (it will be part of the total declared value). Please note that the final declared value will serve as the basis for taxes levied by customs of the destination country. Charges involved: Handling fee of RMB100 / parcel and pick-up fee of RMB100 / parcel paid to the logistics provider. 2. Return it to our Hong Kong Warehouse and send it again via another line. Charges involved: Pick-up fee of RMB100 / parcel, handling fee of RMB100 / parcel (by SF Express), and delivery fee (subject to SF Express) paid to the logistics provider. 3. Ask the logistics provider to destroy the parcel. Charges involved: Pick-up fee of RMB100 / parcel paid to the logistics provider. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, just contact our online customer service. Thank you! Lines involve: Hong Kong DHL-A (Small), Hong Kong DHL-A (Heavy) Superbuy Team Mar. 12, 2021

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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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