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发表于 2017-1-3 16:44:55 | 最新回复 2022-1-18 17:16:39 | 来自于 Clarke County 楼主
       Superbuy 2017年春节员工放假时间为:2017年1月25日--2017年2月4日(北京时间)
Superbuy 团队
AnnouncementHoliday Notice for 2017 Chinese New Year
Dear Valued Customers,
           As we approach closer to Chinese New Year, most of the sellers fromTaobao/Tmall/other Chinese online shopping sites are starting to have theirholidays. Therefore, some of the items could be currently out of stock orlimited, please ensure the items you purchase are in stock. To lessen any frustratingsituations that might occur, please ensure that you submit purchase order andparcel delivery order before 20th January. Items purchased later than 10th January 2017 (Beijing Time)might face delayed delivery as sellers may arrange delivery only after ChineseNew Year holidays.
           Superbuy sincerely wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year.
           Chinese New Year is coming soon, Superbuy sincerely wish you a happy Chinese Year and all the best. Thank you for your supports.
           Our Chinese New Year holidays will start from 25th January to 4th February 2017(Beijing Time).
           During the holiday period, some of our services will be temporarily suspended such as operations in warehouse, order handling, order enquiries, expert service, parcel enquiries, telephone customer service, online customer service, customer emails, complaint emails, QQ Group, BBS, Weibo/Facebook/ Wechat/Social Media enquiries. Services will be back to normal as soon as we resume work(5th February 2017 Beijing Time).
           Please read the following table carefully; it informs you a detailed service time forspecific services.
N.B. Most of the local carriers are offduty from 20th January except for SF, EMS, and YTO. Please refer tothe local operation time for recovery.
          During this period, orders and parcels will not be handled temporarily, but you can use the functions as normal. Once we are back to normal operation, we will handle your orders as soon as possible. We regret for the inconvenience that may have caused you.
          In the end, Superbuy would like to wish youa Happy Chinese New Year and all the best in 2017.
Superbuy Team

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-14 00:15:38 来自手机 5#
Happy Chinese new year's my niggas eat well bless your year
回复 点亮 14

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-19 15:06:31 13#
my hopes go out that everyone has a 1:1 CNY
回复 点亮 5

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-7 14:40:34 来自手机 沙发
請問我要怎麼使用你們家的物流呢?我住在澳洲的南澳 Adelaide 謝謝你
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-9 11:18:37 板凳
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-10 16:43:14 地板
小西瓜媽媽 发表于 2017-1-7 14:40 請問我要怎麼使用你們家的物流呢?我住在澳洲的南澳 Adelaide 謝謝你
亲,我们网站提供代购服务和转运服务,亲可以通过我们平台代购国内电商的商品然后寄送到海外,具体操作流程亲可以参考:http://www.superbuy.com/cn/page/help/#p2_14_helpId19 也可以自行购买好商品,先寄送到我们仓库,然后通过我们转运服务寄送到海外,具体操作流程亲可以参考:http://www.superbuy.com/cn/page/help/#p2_16_helpId184
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-14 00:15:38 来自手机 5#
Happy Chinese new year's my niggas eat well bless your year
回复 点亮 14

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-15 21:21:35 6#
superbuy so  amazing
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-18 00:19:19 7#
ilyichg 发表于 2017-1-14 00:15 Happy Chinese new year's my niggas eat well bless your year
LoL Word
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-18 00:20:32 8#
Yea you guys are great - way better than the other ones like bhiner and cssbuy for sure.  Really appreciate the fast shipping and help. Thanks. Im going to post up on Reddit.  
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-18 15:57:14 9#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-19 09:20:25 10#
祝各位..新年快樂! 萬事如意!!   ^.^
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-19 12:41:04 11#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-19 14:41:03 来自手机 12#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-19 15:06:31 13#
my hopes go out that everyone has a 1:1 CNY
回复 点亮 5

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-20 02:08:16 14#
Hope y'all have a 1:1 New Year. What up rep fam we out here!!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-21 10:02:10 15#
we rep boys appreciate superbuy have a blessed year!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-22 17:06:55 来自手机 16#
Make up box
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-23 11:57:30 17#
Have a good one superbuy you guys are dope
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-23 16:14:41 22#
zorba_colin69 发表于 2017-1-23 11:57 Have a good one superbuy you guys are dope
Thank you for your support. We will keep improving our service. Happy Chinese New Year.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-23 16:15:53 23#
It's never been too late to get it!!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-23 16:16:05 24#
davidchen0420 发表于 2017-1-21 10:02 we rep boys appreciate superbuy have a blessed year!
Thank you for using Superbuy. We wish you a happy Chinese New Year and all the best!!
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使用道具 举报

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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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