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Frenzy shopping
发表于 2019-11-20 03:27:31 | 最新回复 2019-11-30 18:51:51 | 来自于 Italy 楼主
Hello everyone! Here I post some of my 11.11 orders, because the #Get A Haul on Double 11# topic seems so interesting! This was my first Taobao 11.11, but knowing from previous experiences I started preparing a shopping list the week before and spent many hours checking everything. Eventually I needed some sleep, I finished ordering at 4 AM in Italy. Let's start with the show! I got many cute and fashionable clothes, but the thing I loved the most are scarves! Furthermore, my grandma saw what I was buying and asked me to get some xmas presents for all the family I also found really beautiful cosplay accessories, as well as dogs' stuff and I couldn't resist to buy them all. I'm in love with Korean and Japanese face masks, so I got a stock of them to try, can't wait!! Then I ended up on a tea store and wanted to grab everything On a side note, the Matcha Lindor is only sold in China and Japan, I need to know how they taste! Eventually I got some merchandise of Mo Dao Zu Shi / The grandmaster of demonic cultivation: they are so beautiful and I wish to get them all really soooooooon. Too much cute! I hope you find something interesting too here! Have a nice day, Fil

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Mo Dao Zu Shi

Mo Dao Zu Shi

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Food and tea

Food and tea

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Cosplay and presents

Cosplay and presents

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Clothes 11.11

Clothes 11.11

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发表于 2019-11-21 02:30:28 板凳
小小编 replied at 2019-11-20 13:54 Dear customer, thank you so much for your sharing with us,it's pretty good!You have ordered lots o ...
Thank you dear! Your service is always amazing
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