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发表于 2021-1-20 14:19:59 161#
2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶 #2020我和superbuy的故事# 2020 has undoubtedly been a difficult year for many and with the restrictions on international travel, Superbuy has become ever more important for us expats living overseas but still craving a little bit of home comfort. When mask and hand sanitizer stocks ran low here, Superbuy was able to do a super fast delivery with their very efficient and helpful shopping agents. I was pleasantly surprised with the speedy delivery considering the limited number of international flights. I also purchased a glass pot and tea set to keep me calm during the lockdowns, and was initially a little worried if they will make it in one piece, but everything was super well wrapped and was not damaged at all. 2021 has started early for me, I've already received 2 parcels full of books to keep me entertained with more to come. My wish now is to have the next parcel delivery fee waived as air freight for books are sooooo expensive Look forward to another great year no matter what's ahead
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发表于 2021-1-20 14:23:16 来自手机 162#
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发表于 2021-1-20 17:40:14 来自手机 163#

2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶

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发表于 2021-1-20 18:38:30 164#
碰上以前 超过最长时期很久才寄到 客服贴心给了红包 心情好一些了
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发表于 2021-1-20 19:47:37 来自手机 165#

2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶

#2020#我和superbuy的故事#我印象最深刻的一次,是在superbuy内测的时候中了一个免费的QQ玩偶,免运费寄到澳洲哦,一周就到了,从此之后家里给我寄东西一直都用superbuy。 分享一个收superbuy快递的小故事吧 记得去年疫情期间家里给我邮了很多防护用品,送货上门的是一个老外大叔,他是双手并指残疾。 图片就不放了,就是两只手都像蟹爪一样,一共有两个硕大的并指和一个小小的大拇指。 第一次见的时候我惊了一下,后来他常来我有时候就观察他。 怎么说呢,整个人给人的感觉非常的,坦然。 他的手已经可以很熟练的驾驶摩托车,刚开始他递给我笔的时候,因为形状过于像蟹爪,我还有点紧张,现在想来只有敬佩。 每次他经过的时候我也尽量不特意去关注他,让别人感觉到自己没什么特殊的才是最重要的。 他让我看到了好好生活的勇气。 希望大家都能尊重这样的人呀~ 最后祝愿superbuy越办越好,每一份快递都是有温度的礼物,继续传递爱,感恩(≧∇≦)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-20 22:16:56 来自手机 166#
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发表于 2021-1-20 22:34:34 167#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 今年遇到疫情,物流全面,都很不稳定,有个快递曾经了三个月才收到。不过还是选择superbuy最放心,大部分快递都是及时收到了,如果有问题,客服也会全程跟进,每隔几天发消息告知包裹的位置,让人感到很安心。而且最惊喜的是,最近提交的sal包裹都是半个月左右收到了,真像中奖了一样!非常感谢superbuy这么多年以来的贴心服务。希望2021年,superbuy越做越好,国际运费也可以降下来,更重要的是灾难早点过去。祝大家新年愉快!
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发表于 2021-1-20 22:40:36 来自手机 168#
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发表于 2021-1-20 22:46:31 169#
#2020我和superbuy的故事#虽然2020没用super buy 但每想到要淘宝第一时间就想到要用super buy。今年要买买买。  希望2021super buy红红火火
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-20 23:19:41 来自手机 170#
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发表于 2021-1-20 23:32:48 来自手机 171#
#2020我和Superbuy的故事# 2020年陆陆续续从这里发了十几个包裹,几乎都是准时送达。因疫情耽搁的个别包裹,客服也是积极跟进,让人非常有安全感。2021年 希望疫情赶紧过去,航班尽快恢复,价格能更优惠,更能痛快的海淘啦。希望Superbuy越来越好!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-20 23:43:40 172#
#2020我和superbuy的故事 #Being able to shop in Canada but have access to TaoBao is amazing. TaoBao is equivalent to Amazon, EXCEPT it's BETTER! Superbuy enables me to shop and organize shipment on my own, including from friends and family! That's a service that I can't find anywhere else! The Superbuy agents are very prompt in submitting orders on my behalf, but they are also very diligent in photographing and documenting my purchases. That goes without saying that it provides a great sense of security. Thank you Superbuy! My wish for 2021 is... SHOP MORE!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 00:20:23 来自手机 173#

2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶

#2020我和superbuy的故事# 用superbuy很久了!一直很放心 超级喜欢哈哈,新年愿望希望买的东西都很快到哈哈
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 00:31:03 来自手机 174#

2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶

用了superbuy app 有一年了,感觉挺好的,客服挺不错,有问题都会帮忙解决。希望之后能有更多一些海外物流路线可以选择。谢谢。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 00:34:39 来自手机 175#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 在这么魔幻的一年里遇到了superbuy,还好有你,给这一年增添了很多期待和快乐。新的一年,希望包裹们越飞越快!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 00:39:25 来自手机 176#

2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶

#2020我和superbuy的故事# 2020年第一次被人安利了superbuy,用起来太方便了,客服也不错。希望新的一年有更多的物流线路可以选择,更多的平台(京东 微店 拼多多等)可以直接导入到app的转运订单里。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 00:58:57 来自手机 177#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 2020因为疫情,sal延误了好久,后来都是ems,速度绝对快,后来十一月份再试sal,就正常速度了,这么多年,superbuy一直都很靠谱!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 01:01:49 来自手机 178#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 2020因为疫情,sal延误了好久,后来都是ems,速度绝对快,后来十一月份再试sal,就正常速度了,这么多年,superbuy一直都很靠谱!2021年希望一切快点正常起来吧!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 01:03:05 179#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# My most memorable time of using Superbuy was when I found out you could ship contact lenses! I always love the Asian style colored lenses, but the good and authentic ones are so hard to find in America. The shipping fee was super cheap and the service was also amazing, they checked my packaged and took pictures of everything, to make sure I wasn’t missing any items. Customer service was very fast and friendly, I was able to reach them at all times. I was extremely amazed and satisfied with Superbuy, I even recommended it to my American friends!    My 2021 New Years wish is that since I’m graduating this year, I really hope everything goes well and I can succeed in my career! I hope I can find a job after I graduate and settle down.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-21 01:07:02 180#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 從來沒想過淘寶能離我這麼近。以前大學常淘寶,基本上生活上需要的我都從淘寶購買。出國了就感覺跟淘寶直接say bye了。從來沒想過什麼是集運/代購,都是放假回去一趟買很多再人肉回來。Superbuy 間直就是一個偉大的發明。特別喜歡他們的客服,很細心又很樂意特幫忙解決回題。從代買,精細驗貨,到打包然後安全完整的送到家裡,我個人是非常喜歡superbuy,希望來年可以更好
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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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