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发表于 2021-1-21 11:08:52 201#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 去年开始的疫情导致全球物流价格暴涨和速度延迟 但是我去年国内因为搬家的原因 包裹又是最多的一年 幸亏有superbuy优质的服务 让我易碎的个人收藏的一个个大包裹顺利平安的到达大洋彼岸 希望新的一年服务继续在线 疫情早日过去 生活逐渐恢复正常 大家都平安健康
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发表于 2021-1-21 12:07:28 来自手机 202#
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发表于 2021-1-21 13:39:06 来自手机 203#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 认识superbuy这个大家庭已经很久了呢。Superbuy就像是哆啦A梦的百宝袋,我想要的任何产品都可以通过这个平台来买到。并且无论我在美国的那个城市它都能送达到我的手上。 从购买,到转运,再到包装,都能看到superbuy的用心。检查包裹的细心真的是非常贴心❤️! 会一直支持superbuy, 希望superbuy这个大家庭能够变得更好,更强大! 希望2021年能够给自己放放假期,出去旅游~
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发表于 2021-1-21 14:37:18 204#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# superbuy的客服非常好 每次都能解答我的问题 而且排队时间并没有很长 虽然因为疫情不能回国过年挺难过的 但是能在淘宝上买零食寄过来真的很爽 希望疫情赶紧过去 大家都平安健康  
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发表于 2021-1-21 15:11:23 205#
#Me & Superbuyin 2020# I've been relying on superbuy to a variety of items for a few years now. Thank you superbuy for always being so reliable! I wish everyone happiness and good health in 2021!
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发表于 2021-1-21 15:17:15 来自手机 206#
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发表于 2021-1-21 17:16:08 来自手机 207#
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发表于 2021-1-21 17:32:46 208#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 从2020年3月开始一直在美国的家里宅着到现在了,用superbuy从国内转动了很多疫情期间特别有用的东西,口罩、护目镜等等,当然少不了各种零食,还有居家服。虽然物流变得艰难,但superbuy的客服一直耐心的跟踪物流情况,解决各种物流问题,非常感谢。 新的一年希望所有的人一切都好,生活能够回归正规。
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发表于 2021-1-21 17:38:39 来自手机 209#

2021开年大赏 下单免运费上不封顶

#2020我和superbuy的故事#十二月提交的海运竟然在圣诞之前拿到了真的很感谢。 + 希望2020能找到一份满意的工作
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发表于 2021-1-21 22:55:51 210#
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发表于 2021-1-21 23:00:34 来自手机 211#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 2020年又是在superbuy买了很多好吃好玩好穿的一年。希望2021 EMS邮费能降下来一点哈。
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发表于 2021-1-22 01:10:59 212#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 有一次卖家给我寄东西寄丢了,客服真的很认真帮我啦,仓库按我的要求反反复复拍了好多次照片,最后终于确认最重要的东西丢了。然后客服也很负责地帮我调出了收货时的监控视频,最终成功退款了。要是自己收的话说不定就要自己承担责任了。2021年希望能健健康康,顺顺利利的,加油!
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发表于 2021-1-22 01:16:52 来自手机 213#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# 我第一次用superbuy代购是在2020年。虽然之前就听很多人说superbuy是值得信赖的app,但是或许是因为心里的一些风险顾虑和怕操作复杂的心情一直使我拖延又拖延。我是一个有习惯记手帐的人,身在海外并没有能力去购买一些国内高评价的手帐店铺,因此确实是很着急。这促使我第一次在2020年的年末下载了superbuy,并且购买了我在superbuy代购的第一单。购买过程中我才发现 之前有所顾虑的风险以及操作问题统统都是不必要的纠结。没个商品到货都会提供照片,全方位了解我所抵达的货物让人有了更多的安全感。付费和邮递的过程中我更是三番四次的寻求客服小姐姐的帮助,让我没想到的是态度温柔良好的小姐姐会因为邮件那边有消息了就来找我更近。拿到包裹后更是令人意外,每一个商品都用superbuy专属的袋子包裹着,非常的干净与便携。这次代购 促使着我今年更多的使用superbuy代购商品。新年愿望是,学业顺利 收到理想大学的offer。(啊啊尽力了因为常年说英语所以中文的长篇大论有的语句真的很难读懂很抱歉
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发表于 2021-1-22 01:37:37 214#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# It was my first time use Superbuy service and I was absolutely blown  away by how kind the customer services were. I was asking the status of my package and because of Covid it was delayed significantly, which I totally understand. After my query with customer service, he followed up EVERY WEEK to give me updates. I was so pleasantly surprised by this. It made the experience so worth it.  In 2021, I hope we can conquer COVid so the world can be a better to live. And of course more Superbuy order coming along. Cheers!
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发表于 2021-1-22 02:13:18 215#
2020我和superbuy的故事#评论内容 + 你的2021开年心愿: 2020年也委托superbuy转运了不少,虽然运费也涨了不少,但还没发现其他公司更好的服务。我的2021年希望运费更便宜一些。有些服务更改近一些。谢谢
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发表于 2021-1-22 02:14:44 216#
I've been using superbuy since 2014, and back then the name of the company was not even Superbuy yet. If I remember it right, it was called dotdotbuy. Throughout the years, I've been on and off using the service from dotdotbuy/superbuy, and this service basically reflect my the hobby I was into in the past 6 years, from table tennis blade and rubber, to gunpla model and mecha robot toys. I've also witness the improvement of this company from a very chinese centric webpage turning into a more diversified webpage with proper layout to fit user from different places and culture around the world. I wish everyone a happy new year and happy shopping in 2021!
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发表于 2021-1-22 02:35:02 来自手机 217#
#2020我和superbuy的故事#2020对于我而言还挺好的,也感谢superbuy让我可以远隔千山万水还能吃到家乡的美食和想买的东西,2020让我自己有了更多的时间,虽然不能和小伙伴在一起,但是每天都挺开心的 希望2021我爱的人和爱我的人都幸福快乐健康
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发表于 2021-1-22 03:35:20 218#
#2020我和superbuy的故事#在欧洲疫情的一年中 寄了口罩也寄了圣诞礼物给我的朋友们,谢谢superbuy客服的耐心和友好。 我的2021心愿希望我身边的大家都能够身体健康 事事顺利
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发表于 2021-1-22 04:47:06 219#
#2020我和superbuy的故事# I discovered Superbuy in 2020. I absolutely wanted to buy that cute figurine on Taobao and Superbuy made that possible! Just like magic. And cute thing after cute thing, Superbuy contributed to make my 2020 bearable. More Superbuy, less think about problems and the pandemic etc. Now my wallet hates me but my room is full of those super cute Taobao things! And the bags the guys wrap my stuff in, those colourful plastic bags are just lovely. I must say that I keep every one of them, can't throw them away ahaha. I'm also very happy with the customer service. Oh, I will probably get a new parcel tomorrow, yay. Anyway, wish you guys a great and healthy 2021!
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发表于 2021-1-22 04:59:00 220#
I'm really grateful for superbuy. I always really liked buying things from Taobao and Tmall but I never had relatives that could things over. Once I was really looking for a book that I really needed and I looked all over the internet for it, but I finally found superbuy.  Now I can buy things internationally without worrying much. I also love how superbuy takes photos for us so we can make sure not to step on a bad product. Thank you to all the workers at superbuy, 你们辛苦了~
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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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