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Shopping needs & style- Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
发表于 2019-10-17 16:22:52 | 最新回复 2019-10-18 23:58:44 | 来自于 Clarke County 楼主
Dear all I need help re shopping! Helpppppp!!! Need help with shopping! Being a guy, ...
Made more difficult by:
And being a single guy, who happens to be the polar opposite of 高富帅, i am more like 矮丑穷, I have an uphill feat to climb- almost Herculean Errr, if i chanced upon a really nice lady who make my heart flutters, how and what should i buy from Taobao or Tmall? And, given today's modern era with ladies becoming independent, liberated and equal, is shopping and buying presents for ladies a thing of the past?
But i think women are meant to be loved, taken care of, pampered... 女人是该被疼的 做女人辛苦 Please share your tips or recommendations as to buying for someone you fancy?

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-10-18 15:16:30 地板
Thank you!!!! "reverse image search" is? 请教教我 "nice sparkly jewellery"- brilliant dazzling idea! (May yu recommend some?) 请推荐please "or a nice dress" How are clothes' sizes for ladies structure like? XXS, XS, S, M, L? Menswear is easy....
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-10-17 23:36:29 板凳
I think that a woman would appreciate a nice gift! As a woman, I would love to get nice sparkly jewellery or a nice dress! Best of luck in finding a gift! There are tons of nice gifts in Taobao and Tmall, you could also use reverse image search to find an item.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-10-17 17:09:03 沙发
钢铁直男是一个网络流行词。就是指性子、性格直爽,不是特别擅长于变通的异性恋男生。钢铁直男们虽然不善变通,有点木讷,但是很多人还是觉得他们十分地"可爱"。 Well, in English, there is a colloquial saying: You are so cute! where "cute" is defined as adorable but ugly
So, what should a 钢铁直男 buy from Taobao and Tmall through Superbuy? Aha, eureka- expert service? http://bbs.superbuy.com/forum.php?mod=topicdetail&topicId=13 大家的建议呢?
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