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这个prime 好坑爹啊
发表于 2018-7-15 13:39:05 | 最新回复 2018-12-2 12:32:26 | 来自于 USA 楼主
确定是会员?认真看了一下 是挺好的,还想着开通呢,一年有56次海淘美国,吗的结果仔细看是美金啊,这是我这辈子看过最贵的会员。别人信用卡还有积分 ,里程 ,机场vip ,蓝宝石chase 才100/年啊,你p1就400刀, 想钱想疯了吧。 纯属发泄,小伙伴有买会员的别喷我,但是我觉得这个superbuy大部分的客户都是平时一年海淘10次的不到的客户,没必要弄个400刀的会员,400块都嫌贵啊,原谅我穷买不起,我一年的海淘运费还没5000。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-11-29 15:01:08 15#
塔米 发表于 2018-7-17 10:15 哈哈我当时也是反复研究了十分钟,不敢相信居然还有这么贵但又没有用处的会员。。。我和我学妹说399半年, ...
我们的会员价格是799美金/年  399美金/年 ,这两档喔~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-8-10 23:01:36 14#
Yes yesm i do agree and understand. Appreciate too. I didnt mean it the hard or brutish or negative way. healthy constructive criticism...
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-23 01:03:28 13#
zhi_long_hong 发表于 2018-7-22 12:23 As an afterthought, as Polly said: "..当然,一个新鲜事物的出现,是需要接受广大用户的考验,无论是说 ...
well, people are just expressing their opinions here, positive or negative, are valuable feedback to the developers of this program. I am sure if membership price is reasonable enough, more people will be attracted. I am sure $399 won't work for most of the people here.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-22 12:23:02 12#
As an afterthought, as Polly said: "..当然,一个新鲜事物的出现,是需要接受广大用户的考验,无论是说好的、说差的、还是观望等待,我相信,经过广大用户的火眼精金的验证,总会留下最真实的东西。希望亲们不要吝啬你们的建议,我们会认真对待您的每一句话,每一个字!..." As in all things new, no matter how well conceptualised and considered, the devil lies in the details. And, in implementation, execution and operationalisation, spanners are inadvervently thrown into the works. Let us all take a positive, open-minded and constructive attitude towards this new PRIME initiative!.As Polly rightly pointed out, our feedback are welcome to improve, tweak and finetune! Lets join hearts in embracing new initiatives and provide feedback or even criticisms which are constructive, positive, encouraging and facts-driven. After all, i bet a lot of manpower and resources, time and attention have been expended and invested to develop this product/service which does bemefit the targetted client segments. 感谢,感恩
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-22 03:16:10 11#
Hello, dear all, 大家好 OBJECTIVE: 我的written中文不好- 不好意思。Please put up with my writing. I am compelled to respond. 我刚看到这题: 这个prime 好坑爹啊 Furthermore, looking at the dates, I respect Superbuy for not deleting this thread.  After all, if Superbuy is really 好坑爹, Superbuy can easily delete / censor this thread. 但,如此反应,可有原因吧!于是,把自己放在大家的立场,想了解。同时, 也理性地分析。And hopefully, with a clinical and surgical approach. Before proceeding, may I boldy venture to urge all to drop terms like "好坑爹啊" please? Perhaps we have been too fast to wag our fingers and judge. (Of course, I do understand and appreciate where everyone is coming from). Let's not confuse the issues! Let's not get emotional or outraged! I appreciate and empathise everyone's views.  Initially, with only a cursory and superficial glance, I have the same knee-jerk reactions and shared similar sentiments written in all the posts. However, upon closer scrutiny and deeper thinking, I realised I have been too presumptuous and jumped too fast to the conclusions.  I have undertaken some objective analyses and hope to share with all for peer review. BACKGROUND: (Incidentally: * I am an end user, a customer. And i am not a high-end VIP. I am not a staff or shareholder. Also, I am not related to or affiliated with Superbuy. Neither do I gain in tangible ways from this post nor benefit in any intangible way. Therefore, i am writing objectively and factually, without any vested interest or conflict of interests. So, kindly please do not flame me; and please hear me out. * Why would I bother to pen this post? Among the many reasons is that, don't you think, everyone benefits if Superbuy continues to thrive and excel? We can continue to engage Superbuy to meet our present (and future) needs. It is a win-win poroposition. It is not a zero sum game. * May I consolidate, amalgamate and compile (*gosh, i sound like a librarian*) all the thoughts and opinions from the posts in this thread, please? And, in so doing, attempt hopefully to distill and crystallise (*gee, I sound like a Chemistry student*) into helpful and useful sharing, please?) ISSUES OF THE CASE IN POINT: My analyses ensue: 1) Initially, I mistook Superbuy's PRIME with other similar sounding programmes, such as Amazon's PRIME, Rakuten's PRIME, or other Daigou's PRIME. Superbuy's PRIME programme is distinct from other PRIME programmes, such as Amazon's Prime, Rakuten's Prime, or other Prime programmes which offer a membership fee in return for flat rate or discounted shipping rates. The currently launched Superbuy's PRIME programme works differently and caters to different needs. (Oh, from CEO, other incentive plans or shipping partnerships are in the pipeline). In a nutshell, the use of the term "PRIME" might have led us, in a halo effect, to put the wagon before the horse, in jumping to our conclusions. This, I am guilty of, too. d of lashing out and bashing at Superbuy, it will help to not transfer our expectations (or even stereotypes or original understanding) of the term "PRIME" and jump to conclusions in equating to what we thought it to be.   2) Also, initially, I had confused the issues. Thanks to the replies, the murky swirl pond has settled down with a lucid clear lake. We might have confused the issues. Or conflated multiple issues. The way I see it, there are 2 separate and distinct issues: On one hand, the PRIME programme is pitched at those regular, heavy and intensive users (who will then save in the long run over the entire course under this PRIME programme). To quote Superbuy 客服中心 Polly's post: "..推出这样的一个优惠体系出来,是收到很多VIP等级已经升到最高级别的用户反馈,而且综合我们其他高频率寄送包裹用户的数据考虑,在这样的情况下,为体现我们进一步为降低用户寄送成本...". Furthermore, i drew insights from yet another post by Superbuy 客服中心 Polly who clarified that: "当然,对于每年只寄送少量的包裹来说,可能每年花费的运费都不超过这个Superbuy Prime会员的年费,对于这样的用户来说,确实不划算,我们能理解". In fact, it is further pointed out that: "...您不一定要开通Superbuy Prime会员,...再次请大家理性看待,结合实际加入Superbuy Prime会员.." So, this Prime programme caters to those with heavy regular usage- with the aim that in the long run, such end user will save. (To clarify, heavy users can include hardcore shopping kings & queens, and extend from these hardcore B2C to B2B users who use buy in bulk regularly through Superbuy (perhaps as part of Superbuy's dropshipping, Buckydrop or B2B services). I may be wrong, I apologise, please correct me. On the other hand, for those of us who like to shop online via Superbuy but are not the hardcore (aka heavy and intensive) users, we are not neglected or ignored. This PRIME programme does NOT aim to elbow us aside or kick us out of Superbuy's scope. This is clear from  客服中心 Polly's posts: "对于使用频率不高的亲们,您们也不用担心享受不到我们的各种优惠,请您关注我们不定时、不定期、不定量的的各种优惠活动(活动前一定会偷偷的告诉您的),既好玩又能轻松获取运费优惠券,让您享受购物的时候,又能省钱好玩!如果不清楚是否有活动的,可以随时咨询我们在线客服,等您哟!". FURTHERMORE, it is heartening to hear that: "在superbuy有不定时的各种优惠活动,参与活动可以获取优惠券、积分等等,都是可以抵扣运费的,而且还有VIP等级带来的折扣,这些都会在您实际寄送包裹中带来实惠". This is evident from the other programmes, deals, promotions which have been launched or are continued or will be launched alongside PRIME programme. We, the users, are not faced with no choice. We are NOT in a situation as if we have the carpet under us pulled out, leaving us with no choice or only a Hobson's choice! In fact, Superbuy VIP programme still continues!!! (As a matter of fact, even within the PRIME programme, there are 2 choices! More on this later) Succinctly, we have to separate the issues and not lose sight or be muddled. This can be effectively summed up in this truism: "大家可以根据自己每年的费用来算算是否适合" from 客服中心 Polly's post。The PRIME programme is pitched at a different segment of Superbuy's clientele base (after taking their needs into consideration). In fact, I did some arithmetics and mathematics. 3) As mentioned briefly, the PRIME programme offers 2 tiers of entry fees with corresponding privileges and benefits. To those who need this PRIME programme, they can make a discretionary choice to choose the different price breaks/points (based on our costs and benefits evaluation). This is clearly echoed in 小小小小编儿's post: "..宝宝可以根据自己的实际情况购买哦~" Come to think of it, don't we recall that awhile ago, 小小小小编儿 had also conducted surveys, both formally and informally, in various conduits (from BBS, Wechat group, QQ group, Emails, and also Twitter) to gather our opinions and find out our needs. I recall questions like: Would you be willing to pay a sum for a programme which accorded VIP benefits (but different from the Superbuy VIP loyalty (i dare say, royalty) programme. In fact, evidences abound that, despite having a much sought after VIP programme, (I dare say, royalty programme as i learnt that the high-end VIP are really pampered- and rightfully so), 小小小小编儿 and Superbuy have regularly launched programmes to help us grow our VIP level: From the just ended Superbuy Super World Cup event: And the earlier Triple-points-per-post campaign to: [VIP Upgrade] Triple Growth Points for You 220 Replies - 7173 Visit 2018-3-12 16:47 - _小小小小编儿 - Superbuyer [VIP升级助力】社区活跃3倍成长值送给你 73 Replies - 3536 Visit 2018-3-12 16:20 - _小小小小编儿 - Superbuyer 【VIP升级助力】社区活跃3倍成长值送给你 3 Replies - 269 Visit 2018-3-13 14:29 - _小小小小编儿 - Daily Check [VIP Upgrade] Triple Growth Points for You 11 Replies - 294 Visit 为了升VIP努力 0 Replies - 67 Visit 2018-3-19 19:16 - xbel - Daily Check 【VIP升级助力】 0 Replies - 67 Visit 2018-3-15 07:11 - 白愚天世 - Daily Check 【VIP1+福利内测】“Superbuy点卡充值频道”开放内测体验啦! 3 Replies - 1141 Visit 2017-3-21 17:53 - _小小小小编儿 - Announcements 待vip優惠 2 Replies - 42 Visit 2015-9-3 00:15 - lingkong - Daily Check 免费一个月VIP6活动怎么领? 13 Replies - 522 Visit 2015-7-20 VIP会员 9 Replies - 475 Visit 2014-12-17 16:40 - cm0624 - Q&A From the above, we can see that: - In year 2018 so far, not less than 5 campaigns have been launched (and it is only July) - In previous years 2017, 2016.... 2014... etc, Superbuy has not been stingy or miserly to us!!! And, not to forget, the painstaking efforts of 小小小小编儿 team in organising and running: - Super shows - Super buyers - Super 达人 group sharing/discussions - the arsenal of platforms from Wechat. QQ, Weibo to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit Succinctly, Superbuy is not out to squeeze us. Superbuy is an established business entity based on solid fundamentals with a STRONG emphasis on CUSTOMER ORIENTATION and CUSTOMER-CENTRIC SERVICE. This is easily espoused from the CEo who walks his talk (just take an example, which CEO willingly opens a direct email channel, who really bothers to read and respond to emails (within 48 hours) personally with sincerity and non-rehearsed/unscripted replies often at hours past midnights?) 4) Initially, I was overwhelmed at the membership fees (yes, I am aware they are in USD). Of course, the USD fees would have surprised us, the typical run-of-the-mill end users. However, following from the preceding point 2) above; I decided to do some maths and run some numbers. Oh, embarrassingly, I am not a high VIP member- not even a mid-level VIP. As a matter of fact, I have been with Superbuy for less than a year. (And, trust me, I have had extensive experiences from other agents and platforms which pale in comparison). Sorry I digressed. Back to the number crunching. I ran a spreadsheet with linear extrapolation over one year. The numbers showed that the statement: "在推出这个会员体系与价格时候,亲,您一定要相信我们做了最详细的调查和数据测算,无论在是价格上还是在优惠折扣上,相对于这个会员价格,是相当划算的。推出这样的一个优惠体系出来,是收到很多VIP等级已经升到最高级别的用户反馈,而且综合我们其他高频率寄送包裹用户的数据考虑,在这样的情况下,为体现我们进一步为降低用户寄送成本,所以就出现了这个新鲜的事物" is true and fair. Indeed, there are savings for the target audience this programme caters for. (Modestly, I admit I am far from a heavy user. I am just like you, a typical shopper) Succinctly, I must admit the membership fees are realistic and fair- win-win (again) to users and Superbuy (which is a business after all- nothing wrong with this. In fact, the profit motive and going concern drives standards higher and ensures continuous improvements as time and needs evovle). As they say, competition improves the breed. Consumers' sovereignty and firms' interests work through the price mechanism (free market forces of demand and supply) to arrive an optimal outcome. Hence, we are engaging Superbuy because Superbuy provides services that meet (and exceed) our needs (and even wants), right? And we would want Superbuy to continue to grow so that we can continue to benefit too, right? IN CONCLUSION: In conclusion, may I urge all to put aside our stereotypes, take off our tinted glasses and look at the PRIME programme objectively and factually, please? Of course, I do appreciate (and i also would like) fees to be as low as possible! Who doesnt? In fact, I myself am unable to afford the membership fees too, as measured against my present needs. (But, with increasing gamut of services offered by Superbuy, such as Buckydrop, who knows?). Our clarion call for low and cheap prices must be measured against the viability and profitability of Superbuy as a business entity with going concern and profit motive. We do get what we pay for. As they say, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. 一分钱一分货,货真价实。AS A MATTER OF FACT, I often find that the services we enjoyed (and might have ended up being taken for granted) are well worth what we paid. I take the bold step to state categorically that, in terms of what I have been paying for (I am talking from an ivory tower- I am not a 土豪; nor do I have any to 炫富). At the end of the day, in the grand scheme of things, and taking a step back to look at the big picture, Superbuy and us can form a win-win synergistic and symbiotic relationship! After trying so many others, Superbuy is really truly excellent and respectable- in a league of its own.  I let us who benefit from Superbuy, help Superbuy to grow- as this, in turn, means better and cheaper services for us too! As an afterthought, as Polly said: "..当然,一个新鲜事物的出现,是需要接受广大用户的考验,无论是说好的、说差的、还是观望等待,我相信,经过广大用户的火眼精金的验证,总会留下最真实的东西。希望亲们不要吝啬你们的建议,我们会认真对待您的每一句话,每一个字!..." As in all things new, no matter how well conceptualised and considered, the devil lies in the details. And, in implementation, execution and operationalisation, spanners are inadvervently thrown into the works. Let us all take a positive, open-minded and constructive attitude towards this new PRIME initiative!.As Polly rightly pointed out, our feedback are welcome to improve, tweak and finetune! Lets join hearts in embracing new initiatives and provide feedback or even criticisms which are constructive, positive, encouraging and facts-driven. After all, i bet a lot of manpower and resources, time and attention have been expended and invested to develop this product/service which does bemefit the targetted client segments. PS. Please, let us join hands and hearts. And we can take the first step by being civic and respectable; instead of crying out emotionally or bashing indiscriminately. DEFINITELY, I beg to differ and disagree with the title of this thread "好坑爹啊" . IN FACT, SUPERBUY'S RESPECTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY AND INTEGRITY ARE ATTESTED TO BY THE FACT THAT SUPERBUY COULD HAVE EASILY DELETED THIS THREAD "这个prime 好坑爹啊 ". 谢谢大家的眼球,时间,精神! 感谢,感恩
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-22 01:36:25 10#
我也没有西仔细看 真的是美金!! 按照现在的汇率, 那就是 2700 人民币,以美国为例,寄个30公斤大包裹还有余,走特惠线才2043,这个对我们一般一年寄个5-6个包裹的确不划算,强烈建议重新评估,合理的话相信大家都会考虑的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-21 17:52:06 9#
亲,您的说法我能理解。 大家可以在Superbuy Prime 会员界面(https://www.superbuy.com/cn/page/prime/?&htag=18pc-push)上有一个关于购买开通Superbuy Prime会员后,能估算下节约运费计算器,大家可以根据自己每年的费用来算算是否适合。 当然,对于每年只寄送少量的包裹来说,可能每年花费的运费都不超过这个Superbuy Prime会员的年费,对于这样的用户来说,确实不划算,我们能理解。我们在superbuy有不定时的各种优惠活动,参与活动可以获取优惠券、积分等等,都是可以抵扣运费的,而且还有VIP等级带来的折扣,这些都会在您实际寄送包裹中带来实惠。所以,您不一定要开通Superbuy Prime会员,但是您一定可以参与享受我们的其他优惠。 再次请大家理性看待,结合实际加入Superbuy Prime会员。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-17 23:00:50 8#
superbuy客服中心polly 发表于 2018-7-16 22:21 非常抱歉,给您们带来不好的服务体验。 在推出这个会员体系与价格时候,亲,您一定要相信我们做了最详细的 ...
会员这个东西不是说VIP等级高,就优先考虑他们的, 积小成多啊,亲,我不相信SUPERBUY每年买上几十万运费的人数比我们普通消费者多, 这个会员是有人开,但是我敢相信绝对人数不多, 你们应该做下调查,400刀在美国等于一年的amazon会员,一年的costco高级会员,剩下几十块还能买个其他东西。希望superbuy会有所改善吧,不是注重那些花钱花得多的,应该薄利多销,我就不相信这个网站80%都是最高级别的用户,如果是的话,那我没话说了,我们这种平时网购一年几次的普通用户应该洗洗睡了,应该推出一个日常玩家和高端玩家的套餐啊,400刀给那种做生意的高端玩家,那我们日常玩家也应该有相应的VIP吧,qq会员也有10块和30块一个月啦
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-17 10:15:11 7#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-17 01:17:58 来自手机 6#
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-16 22:21:20 5#
非常抱歉[img],给您们带来不好的服务体验。 在推出这个会员体系与价格时候,亲,您一定要相信我们做了最详细的调查和数据测算,无论在是价格上还是在优惠折扣上,相对于这个会员价格,是相当划算的。 推出这样的一个优惠体系出来,是收到很多VIP等级已经升到最高级别的用户反馈,而且综合我们其他高频率寄送包裹用户的数据考虑,在这样的情况下,为体现我们进一步为降低用户寄送成本,所以就出现了这个新鲜的事物。当然,一个新鲜事物的出现,是需要接受广大用户的考验,无论是说好的、说差的、还是观望等待,我相信,经过广大用户的火眼精金的验证,总会留下最真实的东西。希望亲们不要吝啬你们的建议,我们会认真对待您的每一句话,每一个字! 对于使用频率不高的亲们,您们也不用担心享受不到我们的各种优惠,请您关注我们不定时、不定期、不定量的的各种优惠活动(活动前一定会偷偷的告诉您的),既好玩又能轻松获取运费优惠券,让您享受购物的时候,又能省钱好玩! 如果不清楚是否有活动的,可以随时咨询我们在线客服,等您哟!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-16 09:55:20 地板
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-16 05:29:26 来自手机 板凳
<p>看来不是我一个人想吐槽这个会员啊,看来我的金钱观还是正常的,那我就放心了<img src='http://img01.sogoucdn.com/app/a/100520032/e120' alt='e120'/></p>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-16 05:11:28 沙发
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使用道具 举报

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  • www.buckyselect.com订单与Superbuy不互通,但Superbuy老用户可直接使用Superbuy账户登录,无需重复注册;
  • 本次活动仅支持美国、澳洲用户参与;
  • www.buckyselect.com不支持使用第三方平台登录,包括facebook,微博、QQ、微信,因此已使用第三方登录在Superbuy注册的老用户在www.buckyselect.com需要重新注册,对此带来的不便我们深表歉意。
This is a brand event between Superbuy's independent mall www.buckyselect.com and Bestore. You will be redirected to www.buckyselect.com to place order and complete shopping. You don't need go through the shopping agent procedure.
  • The order systems of www.buckyselect.com and Superbuy are separate, but existing Superbuy users can sign in www.buckyselect.com with Superbuy accounts.
  • The event is only open to US and Australian customers.
  • www.buckyselect.com doesn't support third-party login such as with Facebook, Weibo, QQ, and Wechat. Superbuy customers using third-party login need sign up for an www.buckyselect.com account to participate. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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