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Board Game Fans Know It All
发表于 2020-5-28 14:33:57 | 最新回复 2024-1-13 16:30:16 | 来自于 China 楼主
Dose anybody play the "old fashioned" board games
when there are so many video games available?
Of course, the board games can be something magic at parties,
After a game, even strangers can know one thing or two between each other~
And the exquisitely-made cards and miniature models of board games
enjoy a certain value as a kind of collection.
Can't give the full play of your tactics in the video game because of clumsy hands?
Try this super classic [StarCraft]!
Believe me, it will blow your mind!
In [Time Stories], players will act as time agents,
And work together to explore the unknown and turn the tables around.
Each story line offers a new perspective,
It's not easy to find your way out!
Compared with a majority of traditional board games,
[XCOM] has something special to offer!
You have to play it with its official app!
For example, its app will calculate the remaining time of alien invasion,
as well as set up the role of players in each game.
If you like to throw dice to control the game,
[Pandemic: Rapid Response] is a great option!
Plus, the feelings of the accessories like sieve and hourglass are sooo good.
For many players keen on trade-based board games,
[Century: Spice Road] is more exquisite than [SPLENDOR] in design,
which you will never tire of playing.
"Scythe" is a popular German-style board game,
With well-made model and layout, as well as a solid background.
The more exciting part? After the release,
it continues to be optimized and expanded in terms of game unit and campaign mode.
Is there any other interesting board game?
Share with us in the BBS!
Let The Game On!

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